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The 12 gallons of tar yield 1-1/10 lb. of benzene, 9/10 lb. of toluene, 1-1/2 lb. of carbolic acid, between 1/10 and 2/10 lb. of xylene, 6-1/2 lb. of naphthalene, and 1/2 lb. of anthracene, whilst the quantity of pitch left behind is 69-1/2 lb.

The valuable constituents actually extracted are then these: benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, anthracene, and phenol or carbolic acid. One ton of Lancashire coal, when distilled in gas retorts, yields about 12 gallons of coal-tar. Let us now learn what those 12 gallons of tar will give us in the shape of hydrocarbons and carbolic acid, mentioned as extracted profitably from tar.

Lachrymators at Loos, 1915. Germany commenced the manufacture of lachrymators, crude brominated xylene or brominated ketones, early in, or perhaps before 1915. These substances caused great inconvenience through temporary blindness by lachrymation, but were not highly toxic. In June, 1915, however, they began to produce lethal gas for shell.

This, in its unrefined condition, is a light spirit which distils over at a point somewhat below the boiling point of water, but a delicate process of rectification is necessary to produce the pure spirit. Other products of the same light oils are toluene and xylene. Benzene of a certain quality is of course a very familiar and useful household supplement.