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The thinking mind can easily go one step further and imagine that, since the tar contains a number of volatile hydrocarbons, it might be made more adaptable for impregnation by paper by distilling it, as by this process the fluid would lose its tendency to evaporate and the percentage of resinous substances increase.

Boil the solution for two or three minutes after the iron has dissolved to remove any volatile hydrocarbons. Meanwhile prepare the reductor for use as follows: Connect the vacuum bottle with the suction pump and pour into the funnel at the top warm, dilute sulphuric acid, prepared by adding 5 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 cc. of distilled water.

"If you wish you may go back to our twentieth century for a parallel by which I mean, electricity. It is gathered crudely; but the time will come when it will be picked up out of the air in precisely the same manner that men pick hydrocarbons out of petroleum, or as I sift the desired quality of ether through that globe. "This, I am convinced, is one of the fundamental secrets of the Blind Spot.

A huge tank of liquid oxygen, and another tank of inflammable synthetic hydrocarbons to be used in the manufacture of plastics, had been simultaneously ruptured by charges of explosive, together with the heavy, safety partition between them. The resulting blast and fountain of fire had jolted even the millions of tons of Pallas' mass several miles from its usual orbit.

"To break it down," said Calhoun bitterly, "I need aromatic olefines and some acetone, and acetic-acid radicals and methyl submolecular groups. To destroy it absolutely I need available unsaturated hydrocarbons they'll be gases! And it has to be kept from reforming as it's broken up, and I may need twenty different organic radicals available at the same time!

In the first lecture, while discussing the theory of luminous flames, I pointed out that, in an atmospheric burner, it was not the oxygen of the air introduced combining with and burning up the hydrocarbons, and so preventing the separation of incandescent carbon, which gave the non-luminous flame, but the diluting action of the nitrogen, which acted by increasing the temperature at which the hydrocarbons are broken up, and carbon liberated, a fact which was proved by observation that heating the mixture of gas and air again restored the luminosity of the flame.

From the above experiments it seems to be probable that the camphor oil is a complicated mixture, consisting of hydrocarbons of terpene series, oxy-hydrocarbons isomeric with camphor, and other oxidized hydrocarbons. Application of the Camphor Oil.

Thomson attempted to separate and determine the quantity of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons present in the flue gases from various forms of gas stoves and burners, but, like every other observer who has attempted to solve this most difficult problem, he found it so beset with difficulties that he had to abandon it, and contented himself with determining the total amounts of carbon and hydrogen escaping in an unburned condition, experiments which showed that the combustion of gas in stoves for heating purposes is much more incomplete than one had been in the habit of supposing, but his experiments give no clew as to whether the incompletely burned matter consisted of such deleterious gases as carbon monoxide and acetylene, or comparatively harmless gases, such as marsh gas and hydrogen.

It gives rise to coldness, shallow respiration, syncope, and insensibility, but seldom death. =Paraffin=, also known as kerosene and mineral oil, is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of shale. By the retailer the terms 'petroleum' and 'paraffin' oil are used indifferently, and each is sold for the other without prejudice. Symptoms.

While these changes have been going on, and while improved methods of manufacture have been tending to the cheapening of gas, it will have been steadily growing in public favor as a fuel; and if in years to come the generation of electricity should have been so cheapened as to allow it to successfully compete with gas as an illuminant, the gas works will still be found as busy as of yore, the holder of gas shares as contented as to-day; for with a desire for a purer atmosphere and a white mist instead of a yellow fog, gas will have largely supplanted coal as a fuel, and gas stoves, properly ventilated and free from the reproaches I have hurled at them to-night, will burn a gas far higher in its heating power, far better in its power of bearing illuminating hydrocarbons, and free from poisonous constituents.