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However, of whatever character, the exercise should be continued to the point of fatigue or dyspnoea three thousand movements daily, gradually increased to twenty-five thousand, if the system can bear it; and under such conditions, not only is there consumption of hydrocarbons, but there is provided a veritable greed for air that augments waste.

The best plan is to make the hydrocarbon gas pass over and near a red-hot surface, so as to have its heaviest hydrocarbons decomposed, but so as to leave all those which are able to pass away as gas uninjured, for it is to the presence of these that the gas will owe its richness as a combustible material, especially when radiant heat is made use of.

In order to properly regulate the regimen of the obese, it is first necessary to determine the source of the superfluous adipose of the organism, since either the albuminoids or the hydrocarbons may furnish fat.

In all these cases the heat and power developed from the coal is heat and power derived originally from the sun, and now set free, after having lain dormant thousands and perhaps millions of years. This simple case of the formation of hydrocarbons from the elements furnished by carbonic acid and water is only adduced as an illustration of the general principle.