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The answer was, `H.M.S. Huzzar, Captain Lord Garlais, from the West Indies. Coming from a long voyage, she was high out of the water, which made her appear, in the gloom, like a line-of-battle ship.

"It is surely wonderful almost beyond belief," said Lady Helen. "Now, you know something of my sensations when I first met him," said Frederick, "though, then, I had not the benefit of the Huzzar attire." "And you, Princess?" asked Lady Helen. The King laughed aloud; Courtney became absorbed in the picture; I tugged at my sword-knot we all were thinking of the kiss before the Ball.

Roguet had set the lugubrious example of threatening with death any French grenadier who should bring him a Prussian prisoner. Blucher outdid Roguet. Duhesme, the general of the Young Guard, hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe, surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death, who took the sword and slew the prisoner. The victory was completed by the assassination of the vanquished.

In a letter describing the Brandywine battle he says his men were lying concealed in a skirt of woods when "a rebel officer in a huzzar dress" passed in front, followed by another in dark green and blue "mounted on a good bay horse and wearing a remarkably high cocked hat."

We could recognize the Emperor and Empress; Prince Albert in huzzar uniform, with a green plume in his cap; and the Prince Imperial, in cap and the uniform of a lieutenant, on horseback in front; while the Princess occupied a carriage behind them. There was a crush of people at the entrance to see the royals make their exit.

In a short time we might be engaged in a deadly struggle with a vastly superior foe, and deadly all determined that it should be. Nearer and nearer the stranger drew; at length our captain hailed. The answer came: "The Huzzar! Lord Garlais! from the West Indies." She anchored close to us, and we exchanged visits.

The prince's colours are distributed as follows: a huzzar jacket of blue, with collar, plaquettes, and vest of grenadine and breeches of a darker blue. Formerly Prince Murat hunted the roe-deer in the valley of the Oise, but many enclosures of private property having made this exceedingly difficult in later years he is to-day obliged to go farther afield.

In those piping times of peace the ships were not kept so long in commission as they were during the war, so after serving three years as boatswain of the Huzzar frigate, on the West India and North American station, I once more returned home. I found Harry more determined than ever to go to sea, and he told me that Reginald Leslie had made up his mind to go also. "Does his father wish it?"

They were beautiful men, with the complexion of blonde girls; their uniforms fitted like kid gloves; the pale blue, or pure white, or huzzar black of their coats was ravishingly set off by their red or gold trimmings; and they were hard to make understand that brigadiers of American birth swarmed at Washington, and that if they went thither, they must go as soldiers of fortune at their own risk.

Let us ask ourselves, how do we rule in our families over those placed under us? By the rule of our merciful Saviour, or by the rule of the world, of our own tempers that is, the flesh or of the devil? See, again, by the way the crew of the Huzzar behaved, what a good example can effect.