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Hsüan Chuang replied: "I remember our conversation, but I am sorry to say that under great pressure I quite forgot to keep my promise." "Then," said the turtle, "you are at liberty to dispense with my services." He then disappeared beneath the water, leaving the pilgrims floundering in the stream with their precious books.

Like so many other Chinese deities, the five were all ministers of the tyrant emperor Chou. It is related that Lo Hsüan was originally a Taoist priest known as Yen-chung Hsien, of the island Huo-lung, 'Fire-dragon. His face was the colour of ripe fruit of the jujube-tree, his hair and beard red, the former done up in the shape of a fish-tail, and he had three eyes.

As to other petty taxes and contributions the Viceroys and Governors of the provinces are hereby commanded to make investigations and report on the same for their abolition. The criminal code of the Republic is unsuited to this country. It is hereby abolished. For the time being the provisional criminal code as adopted in the first year of Hsuan Tung shall be observed.

Hsüan Chuang tells us that the inhabitants were devout Mahayanists but specially expert in magic and exorcism. He also describes no less than four sacred places in it where the Buddha in previous births gave his flesh, blood or bones for the good of others. Have we here in a Buddhist form some ancient legend of dismemberment like that told of Satî in Assam?

By specious misrepresentation the widow of the Emperor Kwang Hsu the Dowager Empress Lung Yu who had succeeded the Prince Regent Ch'un in her care of the interests of the child Emperor Hsuan Tung was induced to believe that ceremonial retirement was the only course open to the Dynasty if the country was to be saved from disruption and partition.

I cut my hair, and never ceased to hope that I might some time or other be united to you in order that I might show you my gratitude." In A.D. 712, in the reign-period K'ai-yüan of the Emperor Hsüan Tsung of the T'ang dynasty, they both returned to the Tung-t'ing Lake; but the legend says nothing further with regard to them.

But Hsüan Chuang sat as if listening to frogs after rain, unmoved except by anger that she should attempt to divert him from his heavenly purpose, and in the end the lady retired in a rage, slamming the door behind her. The covetous Pa-chieh, however, expressed himself in favour of accepting the widow's terms.

Accordingly he said to his Master, "Now that I am, like yourself, a Buddha, I want you to relieve my head of the helmet you imposed upon me during the years of my waywardness." Hsüan Chuang replied, "If you have really become a Buddha, your helmet should have disappeared of itself. Are you sure it is still upon your head?" Sun raised his hand, and lo! the helmet was gone.

Having arrived at the city of Hsi Ch'i, Lo Hsüan sent forth his smoke-column, the air was filled with swords of fire, the ten thousand fire-crows, emerging from the gourd, spread themselves over the town, and a terrible conflagration broke out, the whole place being ablaze in a few minutes.

Railway concessions demanded by Japan construction, progress of, under Yuan Shih-kai Rebellion of 1813 Referendum arranged for by Senate Reform Edicts of 1898 Religious provisions of "The Constitutional Compact" Reorganization loan, the Republic proclaimed recognition of by the Powers Republic's anniversary, non-observance of review of in Goodnow Memorandum Republican-Imperialist Conflict of 1917 Restoration Edict of Hsuan Tung Revolt of February, 1912 Revolution of 1911 effect on Japan Revolutionary base at Hankow, Hanyang and Wuchang Party and the Europe and Asia Trading Co. agreement Rioting in Pekin Russia demands participation in loan recognizes the independence of Tibet agrees to autonomy of Outer Mongolia Russian loan, the Russia's Chinese policy rôle in the Far East status after the war Russo-Chinese Agreement of 1913, text of Declaration, the -Mongolian tripartite agreement of 1915, text of