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Updated: August 29, 2024

Strip, my boy, without makin' any bones about it; and let's see if you can take y'ur punishment any better'n your superior hossifer." The man spoke in a rallying tone of such geniality that Thomson grew more sanguine than ever as to the remission of the more serious part of his sentence, and, with a ghastly grin in response to Rogers' patronising smile, he began to slowly strip.

You'se a mighty peart little gal, an' does youse blood an' broughten up jestice. Mighty few would dar' ride five mile troo de lonesome woods wid a strange hossifer, if he be a Linkum man. He mus' be sumpen like Linkum hisself. Yes, if you bain't afeared ter show him de way, Huey needn't be;" and the boy, who was now wide awake, said he'd "like notten better dan showin' a Linkum man troo de woods."

The old man was soon aroused, and his ejaculations and exclamations were innumerable. "No, missy, dars no un been roun' heah for right smart days. It's all safe, an' Jehu an' his ole ooman knows how ter keep mum when Mas'r Anderson says mum; an' so does my peart boy Huey" who, named for his father, was thus distinguished from him. "An' de hossifer is a Linkum man?

There it is bad, and seems to have been formed upon the style of the sporting newspapers and the local reporters, with now and then a hint from the witty passages of the circus, as in this colloquy: "'Mought you be the boss hossifer of that thar army? "'I am the commanding officer of that detachment, sir. "'Wall, Mr.

Hossifer, be them sure 'nuff sogers, or is they only make-believe chaps, like I see down to Orleans? "'They have passed through the Mexican war, and I trust have proved themselves not only worthy of the appellation of real, genuine soldiers, but of veterans, sir." And so forth. We like Colonel Mercy when he talks of himself better than when he talks for himself.

We shall meet again in happier times;" and backing his horse, while he still remained uncovered, he soon turned and followed Huey. "Well, now," ejaculated Jehu. "'Clar ter you ef dat ar Linkum hossifer bain't nigh onter bein' as fine a gemman as Mas'r Henry hisself. Won't you take some 'freshment, missy? No? Den I'se go right 'long wid you."

This mosquito fleet appeared to have a big job on its hands to convoy this Armada across. Presently a naval "gent," or "hossifer" as some of the crew called him, came aboard, and gave the Captain his secret instructions, that is, the formation of the convoy, and a rendezvous for each day in case the convoy was scattered by fog, storm or other cause.

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