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He thanked her for her good offices and with flowing tears repeated these couplets, O thou heart-whole and free from dole and dolours I endure, * Cut short thy long persistency nor question of my case: A sweet-lipped one and soft of sides and cast in shapeliest mould * Hath stormed my heart with honied lure and honied words of grace.

Hail! hail! hail! Were I a metaphysician, I would tell you why Vivian Grey had been gazing two hours on the moon; for I could then present you with a most logical programme of the march of his ideas, since he whispered his last honied speech in the ear of Mrs. Felix Lorraine, at dinner-time, until this very moment, when he did not even remember that such a being as Mrs. Felix Lorraine breathed.

There has of late arisen a practice of giving to adjectives derived from substantives the termination of participles; such as the CULTURED plain, the DAISIED bank; but I was sorry to see, in the lines of a scholar like Gray, the HONIED Spring. The morality is natural, but too stale; the conclusion is pretty.

And what marvels of industry are accomplished by self-love, which seeks more assiduously than bees for the honied drops of flattery that feed its existence! Miss Jane was pardonably proud that her presence was so essential to the happiness of the orphan whom she fondly loved, and gratification spread a pleasant smile over her worn features. "Where is Stanley?

But the man immediately uttered a guttural, grumbling sound, which was probably intended for a song; and Jussuf heard these words: "I come, a slave at one's behest, Who knoweth more than thou canst tell; She warned thee, whiles of friends the best, Of bees that lurk in honied bell.

"Rave not to me of your sparkling wine; Bid not for me the goblet shine; My soul is athirst for a draught more rare, A gush of the pure, fresh mountain air! "It wafts on its currents the rich perfume Of the purple heath, and the honied broom; The golden furze, and the hawthorn fair, Shed all their sweets to the mountain air.

The two friends followed the guide; but they did not reach the steep path which leads to the upper part of the cemetery without having to pass through a score of proposals and requests, made, with honied softness, by the touts of marble-workers, iron-founders, and monumental sculptors. "If monsieur would like to order something, we would do it on the most reasonable terms."

Shall I allow myself to be bound for life by the speaking of a hoary imam? Heaven forbid it!" "A happy life, a roving wing, A sprightly dance, a voice to sing, To sport 'mid flowers and crowns of spring, Such, such be the life for me. No care to-day, no toil the morrow, Ever sunshine, never sorrow: I sip and quaff the honied wine With my rosy lips divine.

Come to me! thou shalt feed on honied words, Sweeter than song of birds; No wailing bulbul's throat, No melting dulcimer's melodious note, When o'er the midnight wave its murmurs float, Thy ravished sense might soothe With flow so liquid-soft, with strain so velvet-smooth.

And the soul of the lyric poet does the same, as they themselves tell us; for they tell us that they gather their strains from honied fountains out of the gardens and dells of the Muses; thither, like the bees, they wing their way. And this is true.