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My friends, I have drank like a Dutchman; I have smoked like a Prussian; and now I will eat like an Austrian!" and here the immense mouth of the actor seemed distended even a hundred degrees bigger, while with gloating eyes and extended arms he again set to at the half-emptied wafila basket of the unhappy pastry-cook.

He had timed this to a nicety, hoping to arrive just after the greetings were over and before the game had begun, and he accomplished that purpose; for, with the well-thumbed cards lying between them and three half-emptied steins of beer on the table, Ersten was opposite a pink-faced man with curly gray hair, whose clothes sat upon his slightly portly person with fashion-plate precision.

"That's the stuff!" said Droop, smacking his lips. He half-emptied the beaker, and then, turning to the drawer: "Can you tell me," he said, "if I can find a man by the name of Hart here Sir Percevall Hart?" "Sir Percevall," said the drawer, in an undertone. "Why, there's your man, master. The fat knight snoring by yon fire." "What!" exclaimed Droop.

When has my door been closed on you?" the judge asked, but there was a guilty deepening of the flush on his face. Mr. Mahaffy glanced at the jug, at the half-emptied glass within convenient reach of the judge's hand, lastly at the judge himself, on whose flame-colored visage his eyes rested longest. "I've heard said there was honor among thieves," he remarked.

The doctor had been sitting by the patient, but now that he could do no more for him he had moved to the fire; and they had taken the ghastly, half-emptied medicine bottles from the table by the bedside, and had spread it with a fair linen cloth, and had set out the silver vessels of the Supper of the Lord. The old man had been "wandering" somewhat during the day.

The fields lay waste and untilled; the cattle, few in number, were mere bundles of skin and bone; the villages were half-emptied of their inhabitants, while those who remained resembled skeletons rather than human beings. "And all this," exclaimed my companion bitterly, "is the work of the Italian woman and her friends.

Haward walked with them to the gate, and came back alone, stepping thoughtfully between the lilac bushes. It was not until Juba had brought candles, and he had taken his seat at table before the half-emptied bottle of wine, that it came to Haward that he had wished to tell Evelyn of the brown girl who had run for the guinea, but had forgotten to do so.

An odour of smoke pervaded it; the table in the window was piled with books just unpacked, and the half-emptied case from which they had been taken lay on the ground beside the squire's chair. 'I persuaded Vincent to admit me, Mr.

Here, four or five great hulking fellows, just visible through a cloud of tobacco smoke, were engaged in noisy and riotous conversation over half-emptied pots of beer, or playing at all-fours with a very greasy pack of cards.

My half-emptied pipkin was thankfully taken by another man, under the pretence ofcleaning it.” One of my fellow-prisoners approached me. “It is getting late,” said he; “do you know what you have got to do?” “No.” “The devil!” “With all my heart.” “Have you a rug?” “No.” “You must ask the Corporal, at seven o’clock; but I dare say the Vater will find you onefor a ‘mass-bier’if you ask him.”