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"But ye ken aboot algebra" she pronounced the word with the accent on the second syllable "divna ye, maister Cosmo?" "Na, no the haif, nor the hun'ert pairt. I only ken eneuch to haud me gaein' on to mair. A body maun hae learnt a heap o' onything afore the licht breaks oot o' 't. Ye maun win throuw the wa' first.

"A! Fredome is a noble thing: Fredome mayse man to haif liking." BARBOUR, The Bruce. "Non enim propter gloriam divitas aut honores pugnanus, sed propter libertatem solummodo, quam nemo bonus nisi cum vita amittit. " Lit. Comit. et Baron. Scotoe ad Pap. "When corn ripeth in every steade Mury it is in feld and hyde; Sinne hit is and shame to chyde.

The antennae are long, delicate and threadlike, and must be broken very easily in the flight of the moth. It is nothing unusual to see them with one antenna shorter than the other, half, or entirely gone; and a perfect specimen with both antennae, and all the haif on its shoulders, is rare.

Now was the Rude Day cumin, called the Exaltation of the Croce; and, becaus the samin wes ane hie solempne day, the king past to his contemplation. Eftir the messis wer done with maist solempnitie and reverence, comperit afore him mony young and insolent baronis of Scotland, richt desirus to haif sum plesur and solace, be chace of hundis in the said forest.

"Harvey," said Captain Marsh briskly, "we're going to try to get a line aboard those vessels out there. It's dangerous. You don't have to go if you don't want to. Will you go?" Harvey removed his cap and scratched his wool. The grin faded from his good-natured countenance. "You-all goin', suh?" he asked. "Of course." "I reckon I'll done haif to go, too," said Harvey simply.

The words of old Fleming's ballad of evil wives came into his mind: "An evil wyfe is the werst aught That ony man can haif, For he may never sit in saught Onless he be her sklaif." As he muttered the last words, forgetful of his own case, his friend entered. "My wife's brither," said he, "has a bill in your corporation's box for £250.

He answered, "Iff God hes ony thing to doe with me in Scotland more, He will bring me home to Scotland again iff He haiff any service for me: giff not, let me glorifie Him, quhidder or quhairever I be; and as I haif said often to yow, cousine, I think God hes sume pairt to play with us on this theatre!"

I care not. Thou mayst repent of thy folly when I am gone. "'Robene thou has hard soung and say, In gesties and stories auld The man that will not quhen he may, Sall haif nocht quhen he wald." Never mair, Rob Paterson, shalt thou have offer of spirit of wine. It shall go there first!"