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The priest threw himself back in his chair and laughed tolerantly, showing his beautiful teeth. "All those rich men they give work to the poor. If I had a few thousand dollars to hopen up that place in the 'ill, I would furnish work to every man in Haha Bay to hundreds. Are the miners more miserable than those habitans, eh?" "The good God seems to think so," returned the priest, seriously.

Yet these very habitans were talking in the most unconcerned manner in French about a railway accident in Upper Canada, by which forty- eight persons were killed! After a journey of two hours I reached Rouse's Point, and, entering a handsome steamer on Lake Champlain, took leave of the British dominions.

Il me dit encore que les habitans font, dans leurs mosquées, des prières publiques, comme nous, dans les paroisses, nous en faisons tous les dimanches pour les princes chrétiens et pour autres objets dont nous demandons

Wynn; 'we shall scarcely reach town in time; and all three quickened their pace. 'I'll never believe a syllable against the habitans again, said Arthur. 'Their old-fashioned politeness is a perfect relief from the bluff manners of most other Canadians.

I met with many sincere and devout Romanists among the upper classes in Canada; I know that there are thousands among the simple habitans; and though, in a thoughtless moment, the fooleries and puerilities of their churches may excite a smile, it is a matter for the deepest regret that so many of our fellow-subjects should be the dupes of a despotic priesthood, and of a religion which cannot save.

The old habitan had the eye of a soldier he had been one. The Governor knew the value of the suggestion, and at once assented to it, adding, "No better defenders of the city could be found anywhere than the brave habitans of Beauport."

The few tourists and returning habitans settled themselves in the bow and made ready for their voyage.

At the Godbout the Druro dropped a habitan or two, a few boatloads of steel rods, crates of crockery and tobacco, and then thrust her bow out into the stream and steered down river, rounding at length the Pointe des Monts and winding in behind the Isles des Oeufs to the River Pentecoute, where she deposited some more habitans, including a priest in a black soutane, who somewhat incongruously was smoking a large cigar.

With his white cap set rakishly on one side of his head and arms akimbo, Maitre Guillot gave Jules the famous recipe: "Inside of circular walls of pastry an inch thick, and so rich as easily to be pulled down, and roomy enough within for the Court of King Pepin, lay first a thick stratum of mince-meat of two savory hams of Westphalia, and if you cannot get them, of two hams of our habitans."

State of the Colony First Impressions Provincial Politics 'Responsible Government' Irish Immigrants Upper Canada Change of Ministry French Habitans The French Question The Irish The British Discontents; their Causes and Remedies Navigation Laws Retrospect Speech on Education.