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Under the tower there was a climb difficult for most persons in daylight, and from the manoeuvring of the boat, the climb was obviously the object drawing the master. He at length found it, and stepped out on a shelving stone. The gurglet and mantle were passed to him, and soon he and his follower were feeling their way upward.

On the summit, the chief walked once around the tower, now the merest ruin, a tumbledown without form, in places overgrown with sickly vines. Rejoining his attendant, and staying a moment to thoroughly empty the gurglet of water, on his hands and knees he crawled into a passage much obstructed by debris. The negro waited outside.

Probably nothing had so contributed to the long concealment of the gallery just reclosed the second time in a thousand years as the high doorway, with its invitation to rooms beyond it, all now in iconoclastic confusion. Rejoining his workmen, he took a knife from the girdle of one of them, and cut a slit in the gurglet large enough to admit the bags of precious stones.

On the way back to the galley he made new packages, using his mantle as a wrap for the sword, and the new gurglet for the bags of jewels. "I have had enough," he exclaimed to the captain, dropping wearily on the deck about noon. "Take me to the city." After a moment of reflection, he added: "Land me after nightfall." "We will reach the harbor before sundown." "Oh, well!

Very shortly some slaves came to the cell with a large gurglet of water, a basin and napkins, a platter with bread and meat, and some garments of women's wear; and, setting them down within reach of the prisoners, they ran away. About the middle of the first watch, the two were conducted to the gate, and turned into the street.

Like a seed under the mountains waiting its hour, the glorious Truth has lived; and this this is its day!" The wasted frame of the Hindoo trembled with delight, and the Greek cried aloud, "It seems to me the very desert is singing." From a gurglet of water near-by the Egyptian took a draught, and proceeded: "I was born at Alexandria, a prince and a priest, and had the education usual to my class.

In token thereof, he went first to the litter, and, from the cot or box opposite the one he had occupied in coming, produced a sponge and a small gurglet of water, with which he washed the eyes, face, and nostrils of the camel; that done, from the same depository he drew a circular cloth, red-and white-striped, a bundle of rods, and a stout cane.

Disembarking about midnight, he whispered his name to the captain at the gate of Blacherne, and, leaving a soldan in the official palm, was admitted without examination. On the street there was nothing curious in an old man carrying a mantle under his arm, followed by a porter with a half-filled gurglet on his shoulder.

Syama, in his way, answered, yes. "Are the boxes secure? They may have to go a long journey." "Yes." "Did you place the jewels in new bags? The old ones were well nigh gone." "Yes." "Are they in the gurglet now?" "Yes." "You know we will have to keep it filled with water." "Yes." "My medicines are they ready for packing?" "Yes." "Return them to their cases carefully.

There is the Bosphorus go to Buyukdere, and come back." "But, my Lord, the captain of the gate may decline to allow you to pass." The Prince smiled, and rejoined, with a thought of the bags in the gurglet thrown carelessly down by him: "Up with the anchor." The sailor's surmise was groundless.