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But the guard at the gate refused to let them pass, and when they had finally succeeded, after long and tedious negotiations, in being permitted to leave the city, they were met outside of the gate by the Austrian Captain Burkhard and his hussars. Count Goertz went to meet him with intrepid courage.

And so in the mid- eighteenth century, in a land where the king-at-arms is king, the goldsmith's son became a prince, and something more. On the death of Catherine I. he was regent; he ruled the Empress Anne, and tried to be the Richelieu of Russia. Very well, young man; now know this if you are handsomer than Biron, I, simple canon that I am, am worth more than a Baron Goertz.

The emperor's children and the young Goertzes are bound by equal ties of affection, and are old-time playmates, so that there seems every likelihood of this friendship between the Hohenzollerns and the former reigning sovereign house of Goertz being continued in the third generation.

That tall Goertz, whom I have seen, has an unlucky physiognomy; I do not believe that he will die a fair death. The Memoir of the thirty noblemen has so much angered my son that he will hasten to pronounce sentence. He was arrested in Holland in 1717, and remained in prison for several months. He was a very cunning person, and a great political intriguer.

He believed that the English people would not be well pleased to see their King allied to the Crown of France. The Baron Goertz thought to entrap my son, who, however, did not trust him; he would not permit him to purchase a single ship, and it was upon this that the Baron had built all his hopes of success.

Countess Goertz is a woman of great beauty, which she may be said to have inherited from her mother, the so-celebrated Countess of Villeneuve, wife to the Brazilian envoy to the Court of Brussels, and renowned throughout Europe on account of her loveliness.

At that time, I believe, he did not propose much more advantage by the match than to get rid of a girl that lay heavy on his hands. "When King George ascended the throne, he was surrounded by all his German ministers and playfellows, male and female. Baron Goertz was the most considerable among them both for birth and fortune.

First there were Schmidt, Muller, and Brandhof, who were lost in the colossal and never-to-be- forgotten storm soon after I arrived; then my orderly Goertz went, and with him another. Then Kramer yes but Kramer, that was different!" Halloran was curious. "What happened to Kramer?" he asked. And the German told him a strange story.

The Neapolitan he describes as "utterly unfit for business;" Count Cobenzel, the Austrian ambassador, "as a man of excellent parts and great activity;" Goertz, the Prussian, "a very able and artful man." So far as this point, the honour of the corps is sustained; but then come the ciphers. Monsieur Verac, the cunning French envoy, is "more amiable in company than formidable in cabinet."

In fact, the present Count Goertz, who is some eight or nine years the senior of the emperor, can boast, like the latter, of having been a pupil of old Hintzpeter, who in some respects is the German counterpart of the late Czar Alexander's tutor, M. Pobietnotzoff.