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He has been under the tap, too thoroughly scrubbed, boiled, strained and served up with melted butter and a sprig of parsley for ornament in a gilt-edged dish. I prefer him raw, and would rather have the street-Arab, if in town, and the unkempt, rough and tough cottage boy in the country.

Smoke considered himself in gilt-edged condition, but Saltman outweighed him by fifty pounds of clean, trail-hardened muscle and repeatedly mastered him. Time and time again he got Smoke on his back, and Smoke lay complacently and rested. But each time Saltman attempted to get off him and get away, Smoke reached out a detaining, tripping hand that brought about a new clinch and wrestle.

And there were ministers of many creeds, pastors of great, gilt-edged congregations, at the seaside for a rest, with shepherds of the regular work, from the priests of the Church on the Hill to bush-bearded ex-sailor Lutherans, hail-fellow with the men of a score of boats.

Five stories added to this one, six stories to that, a new fifteen story merchandise building. The firm began to talk in tens of millions. Its stock became gilt-edged, unattainable.

Have they no use for the money you would spend in liquor here the women who never cried out when they let you go? Don't heart-break and black, black solitude count anything with you? You're building railroads, building up a great Dominion, but the waiting women are doing their part, too. And I'm thinking of others still, gilt-edged and dainty, 'way in the old country. I've seen a few.

'It's wrote on gilt-edged paper, said Sam, as he unfolded it, 'and sealed in bronze vax vith the top of a door key. Now for it. And, with a very grave face, Mr. Weller slowly read as follows 'A select company of the Bath footmen presents their compliments to Mr.

True, Lady Eva had created a riot of burning emotions in his breast from the moment they met; but he should have had the sense to realize that she was not the right mate for him, even tho he might have a quarter of a million tucked away in gilt-edged securities. Their lives could not possibly mix. He was a commonplace young man with a fondness for the pleasures of the people.

Now she had doubts of it, in spite of the long, magnificent sweep of lace curtains, the sheen of carefully kept upholstery, the gleam of alabaster statuettes, and the even piles of gilt-edged books upon the polished tables. Soon Mrs. Felicia Hempstead entered, a tall, well-set-up woman, with a handsome face and keen eyes.

The prosecuting attorney smiled his broad, gilt-edged, comfortable smile, and laid his pudgy hand reassuringly on Melissa's shoulder. "It's all right, my little girl," he said. "We're not going to hang Mr. Sterling this time; he was discharged this afternoon; but he'll be obliged to you, all the same. He's over at the hotel taking a nap.

"Upon paper gilt-edged, without blot or erasure Then sanded it over with silver and azure." Among the remaining letters in this collection we find some from John Gray, "teacher of mathematics in Cupar of Fife," some from Dr. John Armstrong, the author of "The Art of Health," and one from George Colman the elder.