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"You surely did not expect me to cast my pearls of forensic learning before a coroner's jury," said he. "I expected that you would have something to say on behalf of your client," I replied. "As it was, his accusers had it all their own way." "And why not?" he asked. "Of what concern to us is the verdict of the coroner's jury?"

And what is our fundamental purpose in all this reform of our higher education? It is neither knowledge nor technical skill, but to make our young men talk less and think more, and to think more swiftly, surely, and exactly. For that we want less debating society and more philosophy, fewer prizes for forensic ability and more for strength and vigour of analysis.

The rhetorical writings are far from coming up to the didactic chasteness of form and precision of thought of the Rhetoric dedicated to Herennius, but they contain instead a store of practical forensic experience and forensic anecdotes of all sorts easily and tastefully set forth, and in fact solve the problem of combining didactic instruction with amusement.

The academical speeches, both those made at the installation of a new teacher and at the opening of a new course of lectures were delivered by the professor himself, and treated as occasions of great rhetorical display. The ordinary university lectures also usually had an oratorical character. With regard to forensic eloquence, the quality of the audience determined the form of speech.

But to set oneself to know thoroughly and to think clearly about any human question is to unfit oneself for the forensic claptrap which is contemporary politics, is to put oneself out of the effective current of the nation's life.

Chaffanbrass, who is hardly known by the profession beyond the precincts of his own peculiar court in the City. Mr. Furnival's reputation has spread itself wherever stuff gowns and horsehair wigs are held in estimation. Mr. Furnival when clothed in his forensic habiliments certainly possessed a solemn and severe dignity which had its weight even with the judges.

To his contemporaries Cicero was primarily the great forensic and political orator of his time, and the fifty-eight speeches which have come down to us bear testimony to the skill, wit, eloquence, and Passion which gave him his pre-eminence.

Then, blowing a slender stream of smoke into the air, he said: "If you want to know what I make of the case from that report, I can tell you in one word nothing. Every road seems to end in a cul-de-sac." "Oh, come!" said Thorndyke, "this is mere laziness. Berkeley wants to witness a display of your forensic wisdom.

Anderson was asked to state her case; Mrs. Anderson was not slow to accept the invitation. She at once began: "My good woman," here interposed the judge, who had a nervous apprehension of the forensic eloquence of such female pleaders as the one now before him, "will you have the goodness to confine yourself strictly to a simple statement of your case?" "Weel, my lord, sir, I will.

In a word, if it hadn't been for Jeanne d'Arc, France would not now belong to that line of histrionic, forensic, perfidious chatterboxes, the precious Latin race Devil take it!" Durtal raised his eyebrows. "My, my," he said, laughing. "Your remarks prove to me that you are interested in 'our own, our native land. I should never have suspected it of you."