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Updated: August 11, 2024

But the chin wus there, right under the rosy snow and the dimple; and I foreboded, too, and couldn't blame Cicely a mite for her forebodin', and her agony of sole. I noticed them lips and that chin the very minute Josiah brought him into the settin'-room, and set him down; and my eyes looked dubersome at him through my specks.

"I knows you'll be careful, an' I'll try not t' worry, but I has a forebodin' o' somethin' t' happen somethin' that's t' happen t' you, Bob oh, I feels that somethin's t' happen. Emily'll be missin' you dreadful, Bob. An' 'twill be sore lonesome for your father an' me without our boy." "Ready, Bob!" shouted Dick from the boat.

I strove to hide my apprehensions under a holler veil of calmness and even hilarity; I give him catnip with a smile on my lip but deep forebodin' in my mind, and the same with thoroughwert. But catnip didn't nip his ambition and thoroughwort wuzn't thorough enough to restore his cheerfulness.

But when she mentioned the boy, I demurred in my own mind, and kep' a demurrin'. Thinks'es I, how can I stand it, as tired as I expect to be, to have him a askin' questions all the hull time? She see I was a demurrin'; and her pretty face grew sadder than it had, and overcasteder. And as I see that, I gin in at once, and says with a cheerful face, but a forebodin' mind,

The Four Cowboys on a Tear guardin' the entrance to the Pike confronted us and in their wild and boysterous hilarity seemed to my agitated and forebodin' sperit to shadow forth what we would find inside their domain. They wuz a strange and skairful set, their clothes wuz rough and disheveled and so wuz their linements.

I asked him what good them advertisements would do him ten thousand milds from hum, but he said no knowin' what might happen and anything in the paper wuz good readin'. That man's blind adherence to party has caused me many a forebodin', it is a menace to good government and public safety, and I have told him so. Well, I santered down into the cabin and there I found Elder Wessel all alone.

Don't be worryin' about th' lad. He's as safe as you be. He'll be comin' home as fine an' hearty as ever you see him, an' with a fine hunt." "I knows the's no call for th' worry," she answered, "but someways I has a forebodin' o' somethin' evil t' happen an' I can't shake un off. I can't tell what an be. Mayhap 'tis th' maid.

"Well," said Josiah, with a dark, forebodin' look on his linement, "we shall see." "Yes," sez I, with a real radiant look into the future. "We shall see, Josiah." But he didn't have no idea of the beautiful prophetic vision I beheld with the eyes of my sperit.

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