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Updated: August 9, 2024

There, too, are outlined the wings of birds large birds with sable plumage and red naked necks, whose species both know well. They are zopilotes the vultures of Mexico. A score of such shadows are flitting over the sage a score of the birds are wheeling in the air above. It is a sight to pain the traveller, even when seen at a distance. Over his own head it may well inspire him with fear.

It is after he gets home that a meditative man really makes such a trip. All the unpleasant features are strained out or transformed. In retrospect it is all enjoyable, even the discomforts. I am aware that I was often irritable and ungracious, but my companions were tolerant, and gave little heed to the flitting moods of an octogenarian.

It came shambling through the snow, with bent head and swaying, jerking gait, looked up suddenly and sheered off, flitting uncertainly onward, in the dim light, like a frightened ghost. "Who is that?" "Shamán. Him see in dark all same owl. Him know you white man." The Boy stared after him. The bent figure of the Shamán looked like a huge bat flying low, hovering, disappearing into the night.

She wanders through these forests and round the lake, the dead baby still in the goolay on her back, and sometimes her voice is heard mingling with the voices of the forest; and as the shadows fall, she may be seen flitting past, they say. Noorahgogo is a very handsome bronze and peacock-blue beetle, said to embody a spirit which always answers the cry of a Noongahburrah in the bush.

The president glanced at the broad back of his teller. Mr. Isham's voice was firm, his face certainly betrayed no feeling, but a flitting gleam of satisfaction might have been seen in his eye. "Of course, Tom, you may go," he answered. We need not dwell upon all that befell them.

He could not tell whether the Judge believed her to be innocent or guilty, but he thought he could tell that the Judge considered her indiscreet, too heedless of those conventions on which social relations are based, too determined a follower after the flitting light of her own desires.

The priest arose too. "Are you going?" he asked. "Yes." "You are not offended with me for all this plain talk? I like you so much, you know, that I want to see you happy." "Offended?" she answered, "oh, no! Some day I will thank you; I cannot now." She opened the door and was gone, flitting along, a lonely figure in the bleak winter twilight.

"'Throughout my delusion of an English existence, I had been tormented in my wakings with such thought-phantoms, and ever had I followed them, as an idle man may follow a flitting marsh-fire.

There is so much passes in us of which our consciousness takes no grasp, or but with such a flitting touch as scarcely to hand it over to the memory that I feel encouraged to doubt whether ever there was a man absolutely without hope.

He would have said more, but General Vaugirard beckoned to him, gave him a note which he had written hastily, and in a few more minutes Lannes was flitting like a swallow through the heavens. Then General Vaugirard's car moved forward and brigade after brigade of the French army resumed its advance also. John felt that the great German machine had been met by a French machine as great.

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