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But Sir Robert Barclay paused; there was too much at stake to run any risk, even to save the life of a fellow-creature. "You takes time for to think on it anyhow," cried Smallbones "you are going for to leave a fellow-christian stuck like a herring in a fishing net, are you? you would not like it yourself, anyhow."

What did Christians find him to be as a fellow-Christian? Was he cruel and covetous, slothful and indifferent, uncharitable and censorious; or loving, zealous, and self-denying, the author of peace and lover of concord, a friend and brother?

He started at first, but his confidence was soon gained. There is a spring in the bosom of every Christian, which throws a joy into his heart whenever he meets a fellow-christian during his pilgrimage here below. I found the old negro to be an eminent Christian, and we were soon acquainted. I inquired what motive induced him, at that hour of the day, to visit these tombs.

"I don't think I said any thing very unkind to him," she thought while passing along the gallery. "I have a great mind to go back and ask him if he wanted to send any message to my lady; I did not give the poor fellow time to speak I ought not to serve anyone so. What would good Mr. Fleetword say, if he knew I spoke so snappishly to any fellow-christian?

"Yes," said Commines, "Tristan's house. He is the King's Provost-Marshal and and " "Yes, I know, Uncle. He carries out the justice of the King. But to hang a fellow-Christian over one's own hall-door is a strange taste." "Stephen, take my advice and have naught to do with Tristan by word or deed. And no doubt the fellow deserved his hanging."

She rose, and answered without the slightest sign of timidity: "My duty requires me to go to the minister, and to seek for advice and encouragement." "And if these fail?" "Then I am to remember that my pastor is my friend. He claims no priestly authority or priestly infallibility. He is my fellow-Christian who loves me.

On another Lord's day, in another stronghold of Boston Christianity, Oliver Johnson ran the battery of "indignant frowns of a large number of the congregation" for daring to take a fellow-Christian with a skin not colored like his own into his pew, to listen to Dr. Beecher.

But Sir Robert Barclay paused; there was too much at stake to run any risk, even to save the life of a fellow-creature. "You takes time for to think on it, anyhow," cried Smallbones. "You are going for to leave a fellow-Christian stuck like a herring in a fishing-net, are you? You would not like it yourself, anyhow."

We have here a fellow-Christian to be rescued from the savages; this is no time to jangle over creeds." "A fellow-Christian! I hold no fellowship with such; he is but an emissary of a false religion, a slave to the Evil One." "Enough, I say," and I rose to my feet fronting him. "I care little which is right in doctrine, you or he. Here is a man begging aid of us in extremity.

Melissa knew of no one with whom to compare him; he reminded Andreas of the picture of John as an old man, which a wealthy fellow-Christian had presented to the church of Saint Mark. If this man could do nothing, there was no help on earth. And how dignified and self-possessed were the movements of this bent old man as he leaned on his staff!