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Updated: August 20, 2024

And she wept sore for pity of herself before them all. But Face-of- god said: 'Knowest thou, sister, by whom the man was slain? 'Nay, she said, still sobbing; 'but I heard nought thereof, nor had I noted it in my terror. The death of others, who were slain before him, and the loss of many, we knew not how, made them more bitterly cruel with us.

She had washed herself that day in a woodland stream which they had crossed on the road, and had arrayed her garments as trimly as she might, and had plucked some fumitory, wherewith she had made a garland for her head. She sat down on the grass in front of Face-of- god, while the man her mate stood leaning against a tree and looked on her greedily.

And all these had chosen to abide tidings in the Vale, deeming that there was little danger therein, since that last slaughter which Folk-might had made of the Dusky Men; albeit Face-of- god had offered to send them all to Burgstead with two score and ten men-at-arms to guard them by the way and to eke out the warders of the Burg.

For straightway down the bent came striding Face-of- god betwixt the two Banners of the Wolf, and beside him were Red-wolf the tall and War-grove, and therewithal Wood-wont and Wood-wicked, and many other men of the Wolf; for now that the men of the kindreds had been brought face to face with the foe, and there was less need of them for way-leaders, the more part of them were liefer to fight under their own banner along with the Woodlanders; so that the company of those who went under the Wolves was more than three long hundreds and a half; and the bowmen on the edge of the bent shouted again and merrily, when they felt that their brothers were amongst them, and presently was the arrow-storm at its fiercest, and the twanging of bow-strings and the whistle of the shafts was as the wind among the clefts of the mountains; for all the new-comers were bowmen of the best.

So I went, and glad and glad I am, whatever ye will do with me. And now will I answer whatso ye may ask of me. She laid her limbs together daintily and looked fondly on Face-of- god, and the carle scowled at her somewhat at first, but presently, as he watched her, his face smoothed itself out of its wrinkles.

Yet even then thou shalt have no such dainties as Stone-face hath imagined for thee at the hands of the Wood-wight. She laughed therewith, and he no less; and in sooth the meat was but simple, of curds and new cheese, meat of the herdsmen. But Face-of- god said gaily: 'Sweet it shall be to me; good is all that the Friend giveth.

She was silent a little and then turned and looked fondly on Face-of- god and said: 'Therefore, Gold-mane, we need thee no longer; for thou must needs fight in our battle. I have no longer aught to do to wheedle thee to love me. Yet if thou wilt love me, then am I a glad woman. He said: 'Thou wottest well that thou hast all my love, neither will I fail thee in the battle.

Then made Face-of- god no delay, but ran down the bent at once, and at the break of it came upon Bow-may standing upright and sword in hand; and as he passed, she joined herself to him, and said: 'What new tidings now, Gold-mane? 'Tidings of battle! he cried; 'tidings of victory! Folk-might hath fallen on, and the Dusky Men run hastily to meet him. Hark, hark!

The wain stayed at the foot of the stair that led up to the door of the Mote-house, and there lighted down therefrom a woman goodly of fashion, with wide grey eyes, and face and hands brown with the sun's burning. She had a helm on her head and a sword girt to her side, and in her arms she bore a yearling child. And there was come Bow-may with the second man-child born to Face-of- god.

From their standing-place it was but three furlongs to this heart of Silver-dale; and Face-of- god could see brightly-clad men moving about in it already.

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