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The compound engine, in fact, in one of these three forms, may now be said to be universally adopted in this country; and the question of the relative value of simple expansion in one cylinder, and of compound expansion in two or more cylinders, which agitated the minds of some of our leading engineers ten years ago, is now practically solved in favor of the latter.

If sin demands punishment, and the righteous punishment is given, then the man is free. Why should he be forgiven? 'He needs forgiveness because no amount of punishment will meet his deserts. I avoid for the present, as anyone may perceive, the probable expansion of this reply. 'Then why not forgive him at once if the punishment is not essential if part can be pretermitted?

When the locomotive is worked expansively, however, there is of course a less consumption of water and fuel per horse power, or per ton per mile, than when the full pressure is used throughout the stroke; and most locomotives now operate with as much expansion as can be conveniently given by the slide valves.

It was eventually known that Gabriel, though paid a fixed wage by Bathsheba independent of the fluctua- tions of agricultural profits, had made an engagement with Boldwood by which Oak was to receive a share of the receipts a small share certainly, yet it was money of a higher quality than mere wages, and capable of expansion in a way that wages were not.

Immense, unsettled areas thus fell to the lot of the slave system at the crisis of its material expansion and prosperity. The domestic slave-trade under the impetus of settling these vast regions according to the plantation principle, became an enormous and spreading industry. The crop of slaves was not less profitable than the crop of cotton.

A century ago, a divorced woman could do nothing; the wife was exhorted to bear her husband's faults with meekness; and the expansion of industry had not yet opened to her that opportunity of making her own living which she now possesses in a hundred ways. Women were entirely dependent on men; and the men knew it. To-day they are not so sure.

The histories of all three countries from 1870 to 1950 provide ample support for the contention that the central theme of western civilization, as of its predecessors, is a competitive struggle for wealth and power, aimed at expansion and exploitation, using war and the threat of war as instruments of policy.

She had known little else but death; her life seemed full of death; and those reflections, so distinct and so colourless, were like death. Then, in a sudden expansion of youth she wondered. Her own life, how strange, how personal, how intense! What did it mean, what meaning had it in the great, wide world?

The third item of the Democratic policy, the expansion of American commerce, was furthered by a continuation of the subsidies to steamship companies like the Collins line, which put upon the ocean many vessels of the best and largest build.

He can't be too particular, -but such a child!" thought Mrs. Brownlow as the mufflings disclosed a tiny creature, angular in girlish sort, with an odd little narrow wedge of a face, sallow and wan, rather too much of teeth and mouth, large greenish- hazel eyes, and a forehead with a look of expansion, partly due to the crisp waves of dark hair being as short as a boy's.