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But that young gentleman was one of the twenty-three survivors, and he said it was the stolen perspiration that saved his life. From the middle of Mr. Holwell's narrative I will make a brief excerpt: "Then a general prayer to Heaven, to hasten the approach of the flames to the right and left of us, and put a period to our misery.

He will make his story a story of war, or again, a story of civilian development, and the reader will fail to see how the two combine. In this short excerpt we catch a glimpse, not only of Mr. Belloc's attitude towards military history, but also of his method in dealing with it; and since this aspect of Mr.

In connection with the present writer's expressed opinion regarding the relative practical value of regulars and volunteers in modern warfare, the following excerpt from the Chicago Record of November 3, 1898, is worth reading. Captain Avid Wester, the Swedish officer who accompanied the American army in Cuba, in order to study the war, has just returned to Sweden.

Anxiety sharpened his faculties, and he took from his pocket a clipping, being indeed a Daily Tory editorial wherein was set forth what should be a proper tariff policy, and gravely besought Senator Hanway for his views thereon. While that statesman was donning glasses and running over the excerpt, Richard made furtive shift to read his note from Dorothy. It said: Dear: I am with Bess.

"While the Tillicum is on this wild-goose chase, Skinner," Cappy said wearily, "she is chartered by the Blue Star Navigation Company to Alden P. Ricks personally, at the prevailing rates. The stockholders mustn't pay for my fancies, Skinner. You'll see to that, won't you?" Excerpt from the log of Captain Matt Peasley relief skipper of the American barkentine Retriever; Manila to San Francisco.

The following excerpt from the Statement of the Evidence submitted to the jury, on the occasion of the present Admiral Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter, Baronet, being served heir-male of James, first Earl of Calender in 1821, in which I was professionally engaged, shews what became of the issue of William Henry Cranstoun, the poisoner. John Fenton of Torpenhow, in the County of Cumberland.

The penciled legend ran across the sheet to include, under its caption a second excerpt, also in "Clarion" print, but of the advertisement style: WANTED Sewing-girls for simple machine work. Experience not necessary. $10 to $15 a week guaranteed. Apply in person at 14 Manning Street. Below, in the same hand writing was the query: "What's your percentage of the blood-money, Mr.

But, as there is no romance to be extracted from her story, I may as well tell you at once that she did not espouse the poet. 'On the contrary, dear Mr. Chancellor, I am interested in the princess. Proceed, and be as minute as you please. 'It is but a commonplace excerpt of secret historical narrative buried among the archives of the Family, my good Mr. Richmond.

"I overestimated my powers. It can't be done. Have you any important duties at the moment, Bayliss?" "No, sir." "Perhaps you wouldn't mind reading me the bright little excerpt, then?" "Certainly, sir." "It will be good practice for you. I am convinced I am going to be a confirmed invalid for the rest of my life, and it will be part of your job to sit at my bedside and read to me.

This excerpt she hardly looked at; but the following she studied carefully: "Judge Ostrander has from the first expressed a strong desire that some associate judge should be called upon to preside over the trial of John Scoville for the murder of Algernon Etheridge. But Judge Saunders' sudden illness and Judge Dole's departure for Europe have put an end to these hopes.