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Are not great things to be done, with Eugene for General? To understand the insignificant Siege of Philipsburg, sum-total of the Rhine Campaign, which filled the Crown-Prince's and so many other minds brimful; that Summer, and is now wholly out of every mind, the following Excerpt may be admissible:

At one o'clock Nadasti was attacked; at two he is tumbling in mid-career towards Leuthen: I guess the date of this Excerpt, or testimony by a Notable Eye-witness, may be half-past two; crisis of the agony just about to begin: and before four it was all finished again.

The representatives of the nations of the world, being present, all nations solemnly pledged themselves never to use against one another the laboratory methods of warfare they had employed in the invasion of China. Excerpt from Walt Mervin's "Certain Essays in History." It was Silas Bannerman who finally ran down that scientific wizard and arch-enemy of mankind, Emil Gluck.

Whistler received scant sympathy, the tone of the comment being well noted by this excerpt from the London Standard of November 30th, 1878: "Of course, Mr. Whistler has costs to pay too, and the amount he is to receive from Mr.

That she was aware of the fact and displeased with it, is evident from what she says of her lover's social habits in Ma Vie. The following excerpt from that work is an important biographical contribution; it is written not without bitterness, but with hardly any exaggeration:

One cannot well fancy him believing, now or ever, that Konig had forged the Excerpt. Most likely he had the fatal persuasion that these were Leibnitz's words; and the question, What was to be said or done, if the Original SHOULD turn up? might justly be alarming to a Son of the Pure Sciences.

I have Infantry enough to meet them; but Cavalry is quite wanting. You must therefore, without delay, begin the siege. Goltz arrived with this emphatic Piece, Tuesday Evening, after his course of seventy miles: this did at last rouse our cautious Young Dessauer; and so there is next obtainable, on much compression, the following authentic Excerpt: "GLOGAU, 8th MARCH, 1741.

"'To worship appearance," he often quoted; "'to believe in forms, in tones, in words, in the whole Olympus of appearance!" This particular excerpt he always concluded with, "'Those Greeks were superficial OUT OF PROFUNDITY!" He was a fairly young Greek, jaded and worn.

I discussed the question in its every aspect, both political and scientific, and this is an excerpt from the well-padded article I published in the issue of April 30. "Therefore," I wrote, "after examining these different hypotheses one by one, we are forced, every other supposition having been refuted, to accept the existence of an extremely powerful marine animal.

He is essentially a front-line man and always takes the greatest satisfaction in being in the place of most danger. The following is a brief excerpt from his diary when he manned the dugout hut in Coullemelle: May 12 "Arrived in Coullemelle Sunday night, May 12. Was busy with my work by mid-day, Monday, 13.