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He is my horror; for he led the old ex-Khedive to his fall, though Nubar owed him everything. When Ismail became Khedive, Nubar had 3 pounds a month; he now owns 1,000,000 pounds. Things will not and cannot go straight in Egypt, and I would say, 'Let them glide. Before long time elapses things will come to a crisis.

This French gentleman was agent to Halim Pasha, the uncle of His Highness Ismail the Ex-Khedive. Halim Pasha was a man of great energy, and he was the first personage in the history of Egypt who sent a steamer from Cairo to ascend the cataracts of the Nile and reach Khartoum.

When the Turks came in against us, and the ex-Khedive, safe among his new-found friends, threw off the mask, the Cairene effendis became tremendously active. Forgetting how they had disliked Abbas II and called him a huckstering profligate, they mourned for his deposal by wearing black ties, especially the students. The ex-Khedive did not share their patriotic grief.

"With kind regards to Mrs. Burton and you, and the hope you will send me the manuscript, "Believe me, "Yours sincerely, "C. G. GORDON." "P.S. Did you ever get the 1,000 pounds I offered you on part of ex-Khedive for the Mines of Midian?" Some six months after the date of this letter Gordon left England for the Soudan, and later went to Kartoum, with what result all the world knows.

They have occupied posts of influence in the Vatican, are devoted to the Moslem Caliph, cultivate friendship with the Senussi and the ex-Khedive of Egypt, are intriguing with the Negus of Abyssinia, and spreading lying rumours, false news and vile calumnies throughout the world.

To the King of England, to Queen Marie of Rumania, to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to the Emperor of Japan, to the late President von Hindenburg, to the King of Denmark, to the Queen of Sweden, to King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, to the Emperor of Abyssinia, to the King of Egypt, to the late King Feisal of ‘Iráq, to King Zog of Albania, to the late President Masaryk of Czechoslovakia, to the Presidents of Mexico, of Honduras, of Panama, of El-Salvador, of Guatemala, and of Porto Rico, to General Chiang Kaishek, to the Ex-Khedive of Egypt, to the Crown Prince of Sweden, to the Duke of Windsor, to the Duchess of Kent, to the Arch-Duchess Anton of Austria, to Princess Olga of Yugoslavia, to Princess Kadria of Egypt, to Princess Estelle Bernadotte of Wisborg, to Mahatma Gandhi, to several ruling princes of India and to the Prime Ministers of all the states of the Australian Commonwealthto these, as well as to other personages of lesser rank, Bahá’í literature, touching various aspects of the Faith, has been presented, to some personally, to others through suitable intermediaries, either by individual believers or by the elected representatives of Bahá’í communities.

Austria backed by Germany will go to Salonica, quieting Russia by letting her go into Armenia England and France neutralising one another. "If not too late, the return of the ex-Khedive Ismail to Egypt, and the union of England and France to support and control the Arab movement, appears the only chance.

Kerry's teeth snapped together, so that he seemed to bite off the words. "I don't see a Turk present." Seton smiled quietly. "My friend uses a title which was conferred upon me some years ago by the ex-Khedive," he said. "My name is Greville Seton." Inspector Kerry glanced back across his shoulder. "Unlock your ears, Coombes." He looked at Gray. "What is your name?" "Quentin Gray."

When an official inventory was taken in Abdin Palace at the accession of the late Sultan Husein, it was ascertained that the famous inlaid and begemmed coffee-service, which, like our Crown jewels, was not supposed to leave the country, had been sent after the ex-Khedive to his new address truly a man of parts.