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For that matter, Hoddan was hardly qualified to give military instruction. He'd only gone on two pirate voyages himself. But little boys on Zan played at pirate, in dutiful emulation of their parents. At least the possibilities of stun-guns were envisioned in their childish games. So Hoddan knew more about how to fight with stun-pistols than somebody who knew nothing at all.

In these mysterious marine sanctuaries, I envisioned hosts of unknown animals, and this underwater boat seemed to be a blood relation of theirs: living, breathing, just as fearsome . . . ! Then my mind grew calmer, my imagination melted into hazy drowsiness, and I soon fell into an uneasy slumber. The Tantrums of Ned Land

She envisioned a complete change in the fundamental purpose of organized business from the increased production of soap or books or munitions to the increased production of happiness. How this revolution was to be accomplished she had but little more notion than the other average women in business.

Early in 1609 "We built also a fort for a retreat, near a convenient river, upon a high commanding hill, very hard to be assaulted, and easie to be defended: but ere it was halfe finished, this defect caused a stay," it is recorded in The Proceedings of the English Colonies in Virginia . This was envisioned as a place of refuge in the event that enemy attack would force an evacuation of Jamestown.

Then Penelope's eyes would glow with a lovely inner light, as though the beautiful possibilities of that journey through life together were envisioned in them, and her voice would deepen and mellow till it seemed to hold all the laughter and tears, and all the kindness and tender gaiety and exquisite solicitude of love.

That they may prove themselves worthy of their high calling; that they may set an inspiring example to their co-workers in both Hemispheres, through the number and quality of their accomplishments; that they may discharge, in their entirety, the manifold responsibilities assured under a Plan constituting so notable a stage in the accomplishment of the Glorious mission envisioned for them by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, is the object of my unceasing prayers when supplicating at the threshold of His Shrine.

Brennan also envisioned a self-destructive device that would addle the heart of the machine at the touch of a button, perhaps booby-traps fitted like burglar alarms that would ruin the machine at the first touch of an untrained hand. Brennan's mind began to work. He must plan his moves carefully to acquire the machine by stealth.

There were some other party tricks too. Additionally I had had some experience in plane table surveying but none of these attributes had a place in the kind of life I envisioned. What the army had given me was a tour around many parts of the world that I probably not have achieved otherwise but this had to be paid for in loss of earning capacity and wasted hours.

He would start in a small way, by taking over the local feudal or tribal government, would arm his followers with weapons of the future. Then he would impose his rule upon neighboring tribes, or princedoms, or communes, or whatever, and build a strong sovereignty; from that he envisioned a world empire, a Solar System empire.

He proclaims, in his rich re-echoing voice, a new conception of the world; he denies that it is the vale of sorrows envisioned by the teachers of the past; he declares that it is abounding in glorious energy, abounding in splendid hope, and, by its very nature, good.