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Sometimes I lie awake and think "if Jowett and others could see these things!" 'And yet, if it is not presumptuous in me to say so, I do think that this work needs men who can think out principle and supply any thoughtful scholar or enquirer with some good reason for urging this or that change in the manners and observances of the people.

I have no sympathy with those people who, because a man is sceptical, cast him off and will have nothing to do with him. I was in an Inquiry-meeting, some time ago, and I handed over to a Christian lady, whom I had known some time, one who was sceptical. On looking round soon after I noticed the enquirer marching out of the hall. I asked, "Why have you let her go?"

But, in the second place, suppose that the enquirer does logically satisfy himself that the conditions of legitimate induction are realized in the cases A, B, C. It is still obvious, that if he knows the Duke of Wellington to be a man, he is as much justified in concluding at once that the Duke of Wellington is mortal, as in concluding that all men are mortal.

If we estimate this great work either by the authenticity of the information which it contains, or its utility in promoting the advancement of arts and sciences, we should not consider it as an object of any extraordinary encomiums; but when we view it as a literary monument, which displays the whole knowledge of the ancients, relative to Natural History, collected during a period of about seven hundred years, from the time of Thales the Milesian, it has a just claim to the attention of every speculative enquirer.

I heard my cherry-lipped boy asking of Mr. Smith, soon after he came home in the evening. The answer I did not hear. Enough that the enquirer did not appear satisfied therewith. At tea-time, the children were not in very good appetite, though in fine spirits. As soon as the evening meal was over, Mr.

At last he startled her by exclaiming, 'You must give up reading James's Anxious Enquirer. She wondered how he had guessed that she had been reading it; but he had detected from her conversation that she was making his own earlier mistake. She was trying to think as John Angell James thought, to weep as he wept, and to find her way to faith precisely as he found his.

Cave, hard driven, persisted in a confused and impossible story of an enquiry for the crystal that morning, and his agitation became painful. But he stuck to his point with extraordinary persistence. It was the young Oriental who ended this curious controversy. He proposed that they should call again in the course of two days so as to give the alleged enquirer a fair chance.

I call this faith, because there is no proof, such as will satisfy the scientific enquirer, that there is any such thing as moral truth any such thing as absolute right and wrong at all. As the Scripture says, 'Verily, thou art a God that hidest thyself. The forces of nature pay no respect to what we call good and evil.

Woman has been defined a weaker man; but in this country the men are, in my opinion, more ridiculous and insignificant than the women. They certainly are more disagreeable to a rational enquirer, because they are more troublesome.

Sooner or later, as the memory of his loved ones fades slowly away, he becomes more willing to speak of them, and thus their rude names may sometimes be rescued by the philosophic enquirer before they have vanished, like autumn leaves or winter snows, into the vast undistinguished limbo of the past.