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Duprat, "that M. Coquenil has risen from a sick bed to come here; in fact, he has come against medical advice to testify in favor of this young prisoner." The audience was like a powder mine waiting for a spark. Only a word was needed to set off their quivering, pent-up enthusiasm. "What is your name?" asked the judge as the witness took the stand. "Paul Coquenil," was the quiet answer.

Duprat hurried to him and pressed an ear to his heart. "He has fainted," said the doctor. Coquenil looked half pityingly at his stricken adversary. "Down and out," he murmured. Duprat, meantime, was working over the prisoner, rubbing his wrists, loosening his shirt and collar.

Duprat rushed in, the Baron de Heidelmann-Bruck, unafraid and unrepentant, had gone to his last long sleep. His face was calm, and even in death his lips seemed set in a mocking smile of triumph. And so it all ended, as the baron remarked, with virtue rewarded and right triumphant over wrong.

"Such an election would cost too dear," said Francis I.; "the appetite of cardinals is insatiable; I could not satisfy it." "Sir," replied Duprat, "France will not have to bear the expense; I will provide for it; there are four hundred thousand crowns ready for that purpose."

My other man, Moise Duprat, is a good cook, a good woodsman, and a good canoeman. They'll have all the camp outfit they need, they'll have the finest time in the world in the mountains, and they'll come through flying that's all about it!" "But won't there be any bad rapids in the mountains on that river?" "Surely, surely! That's what the men are for, and the boats.

The Parliament made remonstrances against such excessive rigor, and refused to register the ordinance. The chancellor, Duprat, insisted, and even threatened. "To the king alone," said he, "belongs the right of regulating the administration of his state obey, or the king will see in you only rebels, whom he will know how to chastise."

Louise of Savoy, in consequence of her licentious morals and her thirst for riches; Duprat, by reason of the same thirst, and of his ambition to become an equally great lord in the church as in the state; and he succeeded, for in 1525 he was appointed Archbishop of Sens. They were, moreover, both of them, opposed to any liberal reform, and devoted, in any case, to absolute power.

It is puzzled at a strategy that makes peace the very moment when everybody expects battles, and that attacks the very moment everybody believes peace has been concluded. On December 20, Pascal Duprat interpellated the Minister of the Interior on the "Goldbar Lottery."

They are more accustomed to the sight of Europeans, and therefore are less surprised with it, but they are equally addicted to the practice of insulting them. I have seen many of them enter into the houses of the consul and M. Duprat, sit down, and without asking it as a favour, demand of them something to eat and drink; nay, even require that they should give them what they thought fit to ask.

The syndic had at court two powerful patrons, the king's mother, Louise of Savoy, and the chancellor, Duprat, both decided enemies of the Reformers.