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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Oh, I am going to reform, and then I shall write to Claremont and tell him how I, a wandering sheep, was brought home by his interpretation of Andrew Dol Portio I think that's what the thing was called." "Of course, that is an idea," said Mansell, "but I am not so sure of what's going to happen when we're dead. I am going to have a jolly good time, and then take the risk. I never hedge my bets."

He asked me where I was going to; I replied to the "Pump Saint," and then enquired if he was in service. "I am," said he. "With whom do you live?" said I. "With Mr Johnes of Dol Cothi," he answered. Struck by the word Cothi, I asked if Dol Cothi was ever called Glyn Cothi. "Oh yes," said he, "frequently."

His eyes lit on a towering pine-tree just beyond it. And then Well! if that sky-piercing pine had suddenly changed at a jump into a gray post, bearing the inscription, "One mile to Boston," Dol Farrar could not have been more astonished and relieved than when he saw for the first time a rude forest guide-post.

Strike, God of Battle, and the raging sea, strike and spare not the wicked, for Thy servant will have waited long." Gilchrist, who was now the head of the gangers and preventives, turned on his pillow after Dol Beag had crept out. "Ay, Mirren Stuart," said he, "Mirren Stuart that rade the Uist pony and laughed at me in my young days maybe, Mirren, ye will come to my door yet my back door."

At the edge of the woods he found a little fairy, foamy waterfall, which had tumbled down from the mountain to be lost in the dismal swamp. But Dol felt that it had accomplished its mission when he unfastened the tin drinking-mug which hung from his belt, and drank drank drank! He straightened himself again, feeling that some of the bubbling life of the mountain torrent had passed into him.

Dol never doubted but that it was a human trail, a track continually used by some woodsman; but he thought that the unknown traveller, whoever he was, must have agile legs and a taste for athletics, for many times he had to hoist himself, his gun, and the ducks over some big windfall which lay right across the way.

But I'm pretty glad, all the same," answered Royal, with a smiling glance at Dol. Young Farrar found himself in very pleasant quarters; and, now that he was recovering, his laugh rang from one log wall to the other. "What's 'buck-fever'?" he questioned, while Joe filled his plate with more venison.

He pronounced "Dol" and "dull" in precisely the same manner, and smiled at his sickly pun. I did not like that smile; and I alighted at the town that he despised. It was a little picture-book of a place, with many toy-like medieval houses clustered side by side around a market-place where peasants twisted the tails of cows. I strolled to the cathedral and found myself mysteriously in England.

"I wonder, Bobbie, did we make a gigantic mistake. If we had not been so influenced by Dol Vin's idea, perhaps we might have managed some way without all that hateful pretense. I can't help blaming myself dreadfully. And to think Miss Allen is so kind without being patronizing " "Look here, Kit," demanded Shirley.

So presently Dol Farrar got to his feet again, when he had recovered breath and strength, and told himself pluckily that "he wasn't going to knock under," that "he had been in bad scrapes before now, and had not shown the white feather."

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