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If ever they come to abandon stone implements, while retaining their magic or religion, they will keep on using their stone churinga nanja. While I was studying these novel Australian facts, in the autumn of 1898, a friend, a distinguished member of Clan Diarmaid, passing by my window, in London, saw me, and came in.

But Argile laughed at the thing, no way alarmed, and then with a grave demeanour he said, said he, 'The wine's in your head, sir; and even if it was an omen, what then? The axe in troublous times is no disgrace, and a chief of Clan Diarmaid would be a poor chief indeed if he failed to surrender his head with some show of dignity."

He said, "I am not a king." To whom Ciaran said, "You will be a king to-morrow." Hence the old saying, "the feat of Maelmor." Diarmaid afterwards assumed the sovereignty of Erinn, through Ciaran's blessing when Diarmaid was marking the site of Eclais-bec, and bowed down thrice. He went to Tara, and gave Ciaran an offering for every tairlim, along with Druimraithe.

His one weakness is the old one books, books, the curse of the Highlands and every man of spirit, say I. He has the stuff in him by nature, for none can deny Clan Diarmaid courage and knightliness; but for four generations court, closet, and college have been taking the heart out of our chiefs.

It is called The Horn of Diarmaid, but I seek to prevail on the captain to change it to The Horn of Mercy." "No such name is known to me," and the Receiver shook his head. "But I will remember it, and send you news." I hope I did not betray my surprise, but for all that it was staggering. Of all disguises and of all companies this was the most comic and the most hazardous.

We saw MacDonald's charge; we saw the wings of Argile's army the rotten Lowland levies break off and skurry along the shore; we saw the lads of the Diarmaid tartan hewn down on the edge of the tide till its waves ran red; but we were as helpless as the rush that waved at our feet. Between us and our friends lay the enemy and our parole I daresay our parole was forgotten in that terrible hour.

You were before my day in foreign service, and yet I thought I knew by repute every Campbell that ever fought for the hard-won dollars of Gustavus even before my day. There were not so many of them from the West Country." "I trailed a pike privately," laughed M'lver, "and for the honour of Clan Diarmaid I took the name Munro.