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"'Daniel Mulcahey Watson, what wud you like? she says, and Danny ups and says, 'Chockaluts and candy men and taffy and curren' buns and ginger bread, and she had every wan of them." "'Robert Roblin Watson, him as they call Bugsey, what would you like? and 'Patrick Healy Watson, as is called Patsey, what is your choice? says she, and "

Like that for a mile or so; then ma'm'selle remember there is a great crack in the ice a mile farther on, and beyond the ice is weak and rotten, for there the curren' is ver' strongest. She see that M'sieu' Charles, he can do nothing, so she reach and take the reins. The horses go on; it make no diff'rence at first.

The grove on the farm of Robert Curren, Esq., was secured for a term of years, and through the assistance of Brothers Aplin and Bassett, and the brethren on adjacent charges, it was well fitted up for the purposes of a Camp-Meeting. At this meeting we adopted the plan of making our Camp-Meetings self supporting.

Like that for a mile or so; then ma'm'selle remember there is a great crack in the ice a mile farther on, and beyond the ice is weak and rotten, for there the curren' is ver' strongest. She see that M'sieu' Charles, he can do nothing, so she reach and take the reins. The horses go on; it make no diff'rence at first.

The members were: Robert Curren, Leader, Sarah Curren, T.M. Riddle, Adeline Riddle, Gideon Wales, Polly Wales, Mark Johnson, Ann Butterfield, Margaret Underwood, Charles Curran, Frank Morgan, Mrs. Frank Morgan, and Mrs. Fellows. To these were soon added, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond.

Shortly after being locked up Jackson called Turnkey Curren to him and said: "I want you to get a chair and sit in front of my cell all night," said Jackson, who then exhibited the first sign of appreciating his position. "Are you afraid of getting lynched?" asked the turnkey. "Well, never mind that, I prefer to be well guarded whether I'm in danger or not."

Affectionate couple! happy man! he takes his wife's hand in his kisses it? No, not he, but he puts his head back in the corner of the carriage, and goes to sleep, and dreams of her? Not he indeed, but of a saddle of mutton and curren' jelly.

She orten' be so hard on young Clancy. He got his way ter make and dere'd be no good in his buttin' his head agin a wall. Tings am as dey is, an' I'm glad dey is as dey am. Dey's a long sight betteh fer cullud folks and white folks too, ef dey's a min' ter pull wid de curren' sted ob agin it. Massa Clancy's no fool. He know dis.

Affectionate couple! happy man! he takes his wife's hand in his kisses it? No, not he, but he puts his head back in the corner of the carriage, and goes to sleep, and dreams of her? Not he indeed, but of a saddle of mutton and curren' jelly.