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These usages are not found in the other works ascribed to Tacitus, nor any of the ancient Latin prose-writers; though common enough in the poets, the three instances being found in Virgil; the first in the Aeneid: "Cum litora fervere late Prospiceres arce ex summa:" Aen. "Vespere ab atro Consurgunt venti:" Aen. And "Graditur bellum ad crudele Camilla:" Ib.

I should say some thousands of nymphs are constantly engaged in weaving garlands there, and the swains keep such a piping on those familiar notes, Amore, dolore, crudele, and miele. Poor little poets! they knew no other tunes. Do not now weak voices twitter from a hundred books, in unconscious imitation of the hour's great singers?

No English writers have written well of Pistoja, for first they always write from a Florentine point of view, and then they quit too soon. I plead guilty too. The key-note to Pistoja is given in that saying of Macchiavelli's, that the Florentine people "per fuggire il nome di crudele lascio distruggere Pistoia." Il Principe, cap. xvii. Cf. also Discorsi iii. 27.

"Morte di Angela Sovrani!" "La bella Sovrani! Assassinamento crudele!" The old man's heart beat in strong hammer-strokes, he listened vaguely, his tall figure shaking a little with the storm pent-up within him, till all at once as if the full realization of the position had only just burst upon him, he uttered a sharp cry "Her lover! Her promised husband!

And suddenly the whole world centered for him on anticipation of the next note, the next phrase, and everything in the world was divided into three beats: "Oh mio crudele affetto."... One, two, three... one, two, three... One... "Oh mio crudele affetto."... One, two, three... One. "Oh, this senseless life of ours!" thought Nicholas.

Then the mother cried, between her sobs, "E troppo crudele, la guerra!" And as I handed the locket back, I thought of the unmarried childless parson in khaki who considered that "three or four years of war may be tremendously worth while." Later I met and dined with two of the male correspondents of the London Press.

"Morte di Angela Sovrani!" "Assassinamento di Angela Sovrani!" "Morte subito di Angela Sovrani!" "Assassinamento crudele della bella Sovrani!" Prince Pietro held his breath in sharp pain, listening. How horrible was the persistent cry of the newsvendors! hoarse and shrill now near now far! "Morte di Angela Sovrani!" How horrible! how horrible!