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Upon which I observed to him, that it was strange he should complain of want of books, when he could at any time make such good ones. We next proceeded to the lead mine. In our way we came to a strand of some extent, where we were glad to take a gallop, in which my learned friend joined with great alacrity. Dr.

If some rigid method had been adopted for mustering out all officers whom the government, after a fair trial, was unwilling to trust with the command appropriate to their grade, there would have been little to complain of; but an evil which grew very great was that men in high rank were kept upon the roster after it was proven that they were incompetent, and when no army commander would willingly receive them as his subordinates.

Ramsay MacDonald. HOUSE OF COMMONS, May 4, 1903 The Leader of the Opposition this afternoon told us that we were at the beginning of what would be a very complex and a very protracted discussion. If that discussion continues as it has begun, the Government will have no reason to complain of it. We have made extensive and even daring proposals.

Those who complain of the management of the railways allege that established rates are not maintained; that rebates and similar devices are habitually resorted to; that these preferences are usually in favor of the large shipper; that they drive out of business the smaller competitor; that while many rates are too low, many others are excessive; and that gross preferences are made, affecting both localities and commodities.

"And," continued Monsieur, in an interrogative tone of voice, and fixing his eyes upon his brother, "what your majesty has discovered for Madame and I bow myself to your superior judgment have you verified for those who have been the cause of the scandal of which I complain?" "You are right, Philip," said the king; "I will reserve that point for future consideration."

Miss Milton rose in her chair. "Honourable! He's so swollen with pride that he doesn't know what he is. Oh! I don't measure my words. Canon Ronder, nor do I see any reason why I should. "He has ruined my life. What have I now at my age to go to? A little secretarial work, and less and less of that. But it's not that of which I complain. I am hurt in the very depths of my being, Canon Ronder.

"We'll be friends," he announced to Foma. "Why did you complain to the teacher about me?" Gordyeeff reminded Yozhov, looking at him suspiciously. "There! What's the difference to you? You are a new scholar and rich. The teacher is not exacting with the rich. And I am a poor hanger-on; he doesn't like me, because I am impudent and because I never bring him any presents.

How many millions there are of them poor, querulous wretches, blaming their fate, crying out against the world's injustice and neglect crying out against the need of working, wishing for this and that discontented, impotent, miserable! Oh my God and I am one of such! I can not bear the sound of my own voice when I complain! I hear the world answering me and I take the part of the world!

He cannot have committed the crime he is accused of; I dare answer for his innocence. But I will cease to murmur and complain, since it is for him that I suffer, and he is not dead. O Ganem!" added she, in a transport of affection and joy, "my dear son Ganem! is possible that you are still alive?

Royce disclaims all malice in the publication of the original article I complain of, and because I am willing to test the sincerity of his disclaimer before resorting to other measures for my self-protection.