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"O! O! O!" cried Chee, "I'll never do it again!" "No," said the "Parson," in a high thin voice, "I think you won't, you black imp!" By this time Mrs. Cricky had come out to see what all the noise was about. When she heard the explanation, she said in a sorrowful tone: "Chee and Chirk, is this the way I've brought you up? When your father hears of this he will be very angry.

I know it's big, for I've been here every day this going on three months, but I'll cut it down to the last cent, see if I don't; and if it's an object, I'll wait ten years, so chirk up a bit," and wringing his hand, the well-meaning doctor hurried off, leaving Hugh alone with his sad thoughts.

The blood coursed more quickly through her veins, and she laid her hand on that of the crippled girl with a sudden impulse of protection and tenderness. Pink Chirk looked up with a wondering smile. "Why, Hildegarde," she said, "you look like the British warrior queen you told me about yesterday.

We had Doctor Chirk, who lectured on 'God', which, as far as I could make out, was a new name he had invented for himself.

"Well, I have the best of them," said Pink Chirk, smiling brightly, "home and love, and friends and flowers. And as for the rest, why, dear Hilda, what is the use in thinking about things one has not?"

Huldy, my gal!" he held out his honest brown hand to Hildegarde, who clasped it affectionately in both of hers, "ye'll stay by Marm Lucy and chirk her up a bit. 'T'll be a hard day for her, an' she hasn't no gal of her own now to do for her. But ye've grown to be almost a daughter to us, Huldy. God bless ye, child!"

But we'll do our best by her, reward or no. But if so be they is one, I'll be mighty glad, fer I had pore luck sellin' that hay to-day." "Wal, chirk up, Father; mebbe things'll grow brighter soon." "Mebbe they will, Sary, mebbe they will." In her unaccustomed surroundings, Marjorie woke early. The sun was just reddening the eastern horizon, and the birds were chirping in the trees.

She wasn't any better-lookin' than I; but she always was so chirk, and smart, and neat, and pretty-behaved, that folks thought she was handsome after they knowed her.

He was therefore under the necessity of contriving some more safe and economical method of procedure; and he again resorted to the practice which he had adopted in the construction of the Chirk Aqueduct, but on a much larger scale.

And then on Sunday Bubble always gives me a good ride along the road. My chair moves very easily, only see!" She gave a little push, and propelled herself half way across the little room. At this moment the inner door opened, and Mrs. Chirk appeared, a slender, anxious-looking woman, with hair prematurely gray.