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She was in disgrace yesterday when Nora arrived; and I had thought of giving the girls a delightful evening. I had it all planned, and was going to ask the Challoners over; but really Molly is so incorrigible. She was very pert to me, although she did bring a better report from school; she used some of her objectionable language to Linda, and was more awkward even than usual."

I closed the door of the old life against my return, with my own hands; and you don't gain distinction, as the Challoners think of it, in business." "What business have you gone into?" Blake's eyes gleamed humorously. "At present, I'm in the paint line." "Paint!" Mrs. Keith exclaimed. "Yes, but not common paint. We use the highest grade of lead and the purest linseed oil.

"Well?" she asked in an anxious tone. Blake smiled at her. "I think we needn't fear any further trouble." Admiration shone in Margaret Keith's eyes. "It's a great relief, though I knew the worst danger was over when you came home. None of the Challoners ever did so fine a thing, Dick." She went by before he could answer and he turned back into the gallery while the others descended to the hall.

Though his wife had brought him money, Sandymere had long been the property of the Challoners, and the old house had a picturesque stateliness, while every field and farmstead had been well cared for. In process of time it would all be his son's, and, in that sense, Bertram had more than an individual importance.

This much was a matter of fact, but Harding surmised that the man, finding Blake more inclined to thwart than assist him, would be glad to get rid of him. With Blake out of the way, the Challoners, father and son, would be at Clarke's mercy; and it unfortunately looked as if his wishes might be gratified. Harding meant, however, to make a determined effort to save his comrade.

"I will always wear it," I said earnestly. "I believe it will bring me good fortune." "I believe it will," returned Heliobas simply. "And now let us fulfil Zara's other commands." On our way across the hall we were stopped by the page, who brought us a message of inquiry after Zara's health from Colonel Everard and his wife, and also from the Challoners.

The Challoners left by the Pacific Express the next morning, and that evening a group of men were engaged in conversation at one end of the hotel rotunda. One was a sawmill owner; another served the Hudson Bay Company in the northern wilds; the third was a young, keen-eyed American, quick in his movements and concise in speech.

Challoner remembered that Bertram had shown timidity in his younger days they had had some trouble in teaching him to ride and there was no doubt that his was a highly strung and nervous temperament. He had not the calm which marked the Challoners in time of strain.

Your uncle has been hard pressed by unscrupulous people with an end to gain. How much impression they have made on him I cannot tell; but he's fond of you, Dick, and in trouble. It's a cruel position for an honorable man with traditions like those of the Challoners' behind him." "That's true; I hate to think of it. You know what I owe to him and Bertram." "He's old," continued Mrs. Keith.