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No criminal has yet appeared of good blood, save Tomas Maria Carrillo. But he has been dead a year, shot in his tracks by a brave man. The bandits hover around Stockton. The Americans go heavily armed, and only travel in large bodies. Public rage reaches its climax, when there is found pinned on the body of a dead deputy-sheriff a printed proclamation of the Governor of $5,000 for Joaquin's head.

"Yes," she said, slowly, softly, thoughtfully. She offered no explanation. John wondered why it was. He had always thought of her as the daughter of a family financially comfortable, perhaps wealthy. He recalled that there was no automobile or garage at the Carrillo home and that they were riding in a machine some one had put at her disposal.

On the wide veranda of the Carrillo home John caught his first glimpse of Consuello's father and mother, seated restfully in porch chairs. He saw both had snow white hair. "Here we are there's daddy and mamma," Consuello said, waving to them. They started across the lawn to the house, Consuello skipping a few steps ahead of him.

"Mother," he said, smiling, "I discovered today what keeps Miss Carrillo in the city during the week." Mrs. Gallant regarded him expectantly. "You did?" "Yes, she is working." Mrs. Gallant smiled, as though the information given her by her son relieved a hidden anxiety. "And what does she do?" she asked. "She is in pictures," he answered. The smile faded from Mrs. Gallant's face.

Estevan Tapis now became president of the Missions, and under his direction was founded the nineteenth Mission, that of Santa Inés, virgin and martyr. Tapis himself conducted the ceremonies, preaching a sermon to a large congregation, including Commandant Carrillo, on September 17, 1804. With Lasuen, the Mission work of California reached its maximum power.

Gibson leaned toward him, his hand outstretched. "Miss Carrillo has reminded me I made rather a fool of myself back there at the table," he said, smiling. "Perhaps you may understand the position I was in. I offer my apologies." John gripped his hand. "Thanks," said Gibson. "You understand how it is." "Yes," assented John, without really knowing what his answer meant.

Still, some of them tried to join in the diversions of the people of the country. On one occasion, according to Historian Eldridge, there was something of a quarrel between Captain Hunt and Alcalde Carrillo, who had given offense by observing that the American officer "danced like a bear."

He sought a way of relieving the embarrassment he for one, felt when Gibson made his unexpected entrance. "Miss Carrillo has revealed herself to me as Jean Hope," he explained. "Until this afternoon I had no idea she played in pictures." Was it because she too, felt it necessary to make some explanation that she said: "You see, I realized that Mr.

The probability that she worked in the city became stronger in his mind when he thought of how her father had spoken to him of their reduced circumstances, the fact that but little remained of the vast estate once owned by the Carrillo family.

He realized that if anyone knew where Gibson was it would be Consuello, and again he had the disheartening apprehension that, faithful to her love, she might be in flight with the man she was to have married. "I don't like to speak of it she's probably very much upset by what has happened today but there's only one person who may know where Gibson is," said Brennan, "and that's Miss Carrillo."