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It was the "White Rabbit," named, said Sprague, after his favorite character in a book. Spook crawled under a seat as soon as he saw Captain Bannister. "G-G-Guns again!" said he; "I t-told you s-so!" "Come out!" I said, "come out quick! It's all right, these are my friends. That is Captain Bannister." "The one wh-who owns this b-boat?" "Yes." "D-Do you c-call th-that all r-right?"

"Y-y-you really m-mean it?" he asked, eagerly, as though fearing the return to daylight might already have altered her decision. "C-can I c-call on you wh-wh-where you s-s-said?" She smiled sweetly down at him, her eyes picturing undisguised admiration of his generous proportions, and frank, boyish face. "Si, si, señor. Sapristi, why not? 'T is I, rather, who 'fraid you forget to come."

"See here," he said, holding the letter close to his own eyes, still upside down, and evidently reading from memory: "`If Mr Frederick Martin will c-call at this office any day next week between 10 an' 12, h-he will 'ear suthin' to his ad-advantage. Bounce and Brag, s'licitors. There!"

"C-come and read to me won't you come and read?" "Of course I will!" "C-call to mind the first book you read to me, Cynthy?" "It was 'Robinson Crusoe," she said. "'R-Robinson Crusoe. Often thought of that book. Know some of it by heart. R-read it again, sometime, Cynthy?" She looked up at him a little anxiously. His eyes were on the great hill opposite, across Coniston Water.

It was the store-keeper. "C-call 'er off, boys," he panted, as he came in among them. "Little Sandy and Bernadotte's jes' got in," he explained with returning breath. "Landed down below an' come up by the short cut. Got the Beaver with 'm. Picked 'm up in his canoe, stuck in a back channel, with a couple of bullet-holes in 'm.

It's like the lepers in the Bible." "T-that's what they say I am!" he burst out. "They c-call me a disgrace, a drunkard! They sent me down from the hospital because they said I was a drunkard. The girl I was in love with threw me over because of that. She was married three months ago to someone else. That's why I'm here now. My third remittance trip "

"C-come and read to me won't you come and read?" "Of course I will!" "C-call to mind the first book you read to me, Cynthy?" "It was 'Robinson Crusoe," she said. "'R-Robinson Crusoe. Often thought of that book. Know some of it by heart. R-read it again, sometime, Cynthy?" She looked up at him a little anxiously. His eyes were on the great hill opposite, across Coniston Water.

"C-come and read to me won't you come and read?" "Of course I will!" "C-call to mind the first book you read to me, Cynthy?" "It was 'Robinson Crusoe," she said. "'R-Robinson Crusoe. Often thought of that book. Know some of it by heart. R-read it again, sometime, Cynthy?" She looked up at him a little anxiously. His eyes were on the great hill opposite, across Coniston Water.