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Updated: August 24, 2024

Through its feculent columns Muckle- mouthed Meg and Doll Tearsheet made assignations with forks-of-the-creeks fools, while blear-eyed bummers and rotten-livered rounders requested respectable women to meet them at unfrequented places and wear camp-meeting lingerie.

Atower to the middle o' the flure he comes again, an', stridin' his legs oot, he began to garr first the tae airm an' syne the tither gae whirlin' roond an' roond like the fly wheel o' an engine. It mindit me o' the schule laddies an' their bummers. Weel, than; I goes my wa's into the hoose. "Ay, it's a fine thing an egg, Sandy," says I; "especially twa."

"Now, don't let that worry you a minute," said the confident spokesman. "All the Rebels between here and Lee's Army can't prevent Sherman from going just where he pleases. Why, we've quit fightin' 'em except with the Bummers advance. We haven't had to go into regular line of battle against them for I don't know how long.

But I could not help laughing over the "ricommindation" I had given the General. He knew that I was embarrassed, and said kindly: "Now tell me something about 'Uncle Billy's Bummers. I hear that they have a most effectual way of tearing up railroads."

Bar bummers like those! Heu!" He ordered the ink to be cleared up, and then he sent for Mr. Church. He was excited. "Church," said he. "I've shot out two more of that carrion. You know all the men I have been fool enough to know. If they come here again tell the servants not to let them in." But he had another object in sending for Church. "Where's my cheque book?" he asked.

The uncle was not cordial, by any means, to find his nephew in the ranks of the host that was desolating the land, and Spelling came back, having exchanged his tired horse for a fresher one out of his uncle's stables, explaining that surely some of the "bummers" would have got the horse had he not.

Uncle Sam may now proceed to fumigate himself after his enforced association with royal bummers and brazen bawds; may comb the Bradley-Martin itch bacteria out of his beard, and consider, for the ten-thousandth time, the probable result of his strange commingling of royalty- worshiping millionaire and sansculottic mendicant how best to put a ring in the nose of the golden calf ere it become a Phalaris bull and relegate him to its belly.

Anything wrong with the er swans, weren't they, that used to sing on the farms at night?" "Ducks," said I. "The songs of swans are for luckier ears. They swim and curve their necks in artificial lakes on the estates of the wealthy to delight the eyes of the favorites of Fortune." "Also in Central Park," said North, "to delight the eyes of immigrants and bummers. I've seen em there lots of times.

No doubt, many acts of pillage, robbery, and violence, were committed by these parties of foragers, usually called "bummers;" for I have since heard of jewelry taken from women, and the plunder of articles that never reached the commissary; but these acts were exceptional and incidental.

Evidently his approach is heard, for instantly out of the "Metropolitan" there swarms a crowd of miners, gamblers and bummers to see "what the row is." "Is there a man among you, gentlemen, who bears the name of Hugh Vansevere?" asks the rider, who from his midnight dress we may judge is no other than Deadwood Dick.

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