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Bullfrog's eyes, and, though a small, delicate, and thin-visaged man, I feel assured that I looked very terrific, "madam," repeated I, through my shut teeth, "were you the plaintiff in this cause?" "Oh, my dear Mr. Bullfrog," replied my wife, sweetly, "I thought all the world knew that!" "Horror! horror!" exclaimed I, sinking back on the seat.

Ye oughter keep sober; an' ye know, Isham, ye oughter keep Hil'ry sober. I dun'no' why ye can't. I never could abide the nasty stuff it's enough ter turn a bullfrog's stomach. Whiskey is good ter sell not ter drink. Let them consarned idjits in the flat woods buy it, an' drink it. Whiskey is good ter sell not ter drink."

These broodings helped a little; but it was a severe morning, and on his way home at noon he did not recover heart enough to practice the bullfrog's croak, the craft that Sam Williams had lately mastered to inspiring perfection. This sonorous accomplishment Penrod had determined to make his own.

"There you go, Paddy-go-donk, Paddy-go-donk- -umph chunk," some rascal of a boy would shout, while poor old Bullfrog's yellow spectacles would be bedewed with tears of honest indignation.

"He was trying to learn Sam Williams's imitation of a bullfrog's croak. I used to do that myself when I was a boy. Gl-glump, gallump! No; I can't do it now. But nearly all boys feel obliged to learn it." "You're entirely mistaken, Henry," she returned a little sharply. "That isn't the way he goes in his throat.

Yet, as there was no mistake about the fundamental principle aforesaid, I soon learned, as will be seen, to estimate Mrs. Bullfrog's deficiencies and superfluities at exactly their proper value. The same morning that Mrs. Bullfrog and I came together as a unit, we took two seats in the stage-coach and began our journey towards my place of business.

Sponge; 'I gave a hatful of money for him two hundred and fifty golden sovereigns, and not a guinea back. Bullfrog's the biggest screw I ever dealt with. That latter observation was highly encouraging to Thornton. It showed that Mr.

After this on warm black nights when that old fox from Springfield came prowling through the Swamp, Rag would note the place of the bullfrog's voice, for in case of direst need it might be a guide to safety. And thenceforth the words of the song that the bullfrog sang were 'Come, come, in danger come.

Lord Bullfrog's man was a ridin' of him, and he kept him outside the crowd, showin' off his pints, and passin' him backwards and forwards under people's noses, to 'tract the notish of the nobs parsecutin, what I call and I see'd Mr. Sponge struck I've known Mr. Sponge many years, and a 'ticklar nice gent he is well, Mr. Sponge pulled hup, and said to the grum, "Who's o' that oss?"

At first Chousam would hear of nothing but "l a w." Bullfrog's wounded honour could only be salved that way. Gradually, however, we diverged from l a w to £ s. d.; and the upshot of it is, that he will advise his lordship to take £250 and be done with it. It's a bore; but I did it for the best, and shall be glad now to know your wishes on the subject. Meanwhile, I remain, 'Yours very truly,