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I left Carlisle, breasting the night, on the road to Gettysburg, little thinking that a curious incident was to occur to me upon the way an incident closely connected with the destinies of some personages who play prominent parts in this history.

The vision of the Albatross with towering canvas breasting the blue-green seas in an atmosphere of sunset and storm was with him still as he sat listening to the chatter of the others and occasionally joining in. He intended to paint that picture. It had come to him as a surprise.

This movement, however, had the effect of rendering her more distinguishable to the eye, breasting, as she did, the rapid stream, than while hugging the land, even when much nearer, she had been confounded with the dark outline of brushwood which connected the forest with the shore.

The gale fiercely swept the plain, in its loud wailings and its roar drowning every human sound. The rain, all the night long, poured down in torrents. But through the darkness and the storm, and breasting the gale, the contending hosts, without even a watch-fire to cheer the gloom, waited anxiously for the morning.

"A dove flying!" So she was. Her face had lost its vacancy, or rather its vacancy had become divine, having that look not lost but gone before which dance demands. Yes, she was a gem, even if she had a common soul. Tears came up in Gyp's eyes. It was so lovely like a dove, when it flings itself up in the wind, breasting on up, up wings bent back, poised.

The Republic has now been proclaimed for six months; so far there is no prospect of recognition from the Powers, while order is far from being restored in the provinces. Our fate hangs upon a hair; the slightest negligence may forfeit all. I, who bear this arduous responsibility, feel it my bounden duty to stand at the helm in the hope of successfully breasting the wild waves.

"The spalpeen! he's off again," said O'Connor, turning round as they halted to rest a minute, after breasting the hill for half-an-hour. "Hallo, John! Where are ye, boy?" "Here all right," shouted a voice in the distance, "I'm exploring behind the knoll here. Go ahead; I'll meet ye at the top o' the hill."

We stepped briskly out, warm work though we had found it breasting the hill, and passed up the main avenue leading to the front door Smellie keeping his eyes intently fixed upon the said front door, doubtless in the hope of seeing Dona Antonia emerge, and of enjoying her first glance of surprise and delight.

The man reeled, clutched at the comrade next him, and sank to the ground. Then, quick as an echo, a puff of white smoke burst out down the line of troops, and a sharp, ringing report split the air. The first shot of defence had been fired. The whole column swayed as if breasting a gale. Another and an answering shot now rang through the street.

One evening in late November Alan flung aside his pen and yielded to the impulse that urged him to the lake shore. He did not mean to seek Lynde he would go to a part of the shore where there would be no likelihood of meeting her. But get away by himself he must. A November storm was raging and there would be a certain satisfaction in breasting its buffets and fighting his way through it.