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The opera bouffe, which promised the widest field for investigation, produced absolutely nothing, not even a crop of suspicions.

Denecourt's great work, "Promenades dans la Forêt de Fontainebleau" appeared in 1845, and if he is to be criticised for letting his fancy run away with him now and then, and for the opera bouffe nomenclature of many of the caves and mares and chènes and "fairy-bowers" and "tables of kings," he at least has enabled a curious public to become better acquainted with this great forest.

Finally he rose with dignity and, asserting his constitutional right not to be questioned elsewhere as to what he said on the floor of the House, withdrew, leaving Roosevelt and the Committee equally delighted with the opera bouffe in which he had played the leading part. In the Roosevelt days the Commission carried on its work, as of course it should, without thought of party.

But that is your illustration; I would rather say opera bouffe, which is probably the truest copy of Life if we were limited to one kind. But we are not: I tell you, we must have all sorts. There is tragedy in Life, and comedy that more especially; a little of the other goes a long way. But they are always mixed not kept apart, and one alone taken in large and frequent doses, after your fashion.

He never stood still for a moment, but kept "bobbing around" with the effervescent briskness of a bee, at one time roosting at the top of the ladder, at another peering through the floor light, now to the right, then to the left, always humming scraps from the Opera Bouffe, but never changing the air.

Being asked to write an opera bouffe for the carnival at Munich, he agreed, and again met with success. The night the opera was given the theatre was so crowded that hundreds had to be turned away at the doors. At the close of each air there was a tremendous outburst of applause, and calls for the composer.

She was not pretty, but she pleased," etc. Bouffé, who witnessed this representation, observed: "What an odd little girl! Assuredly there is something in her. But her place is not here." So judged Samson also, becoming more and more aware of the merits of his former pupil. She was transferred to the Français to play the leading characters in tragedy, at a salary of 4,000 francs a year.

At this distance of time, allowing all obvious explanations of lack of training, meager equipment, and internal dissension, we find it a little difficult to understand why the Californians did not make a better stand. Most of the so-called battles were a sort of opera bouffe. Californians entrenched with cannon were driven contemptuously forth, without casualties, by a very few men.

"But we've accepted the comic in the institution of marriage, we Americans. It's too late for us to attempt to take it without its possibilities of opera bouffe." "But aren't there laws?" Edith asked. Again Lacon's lips glimmered with the ghost of a smile. "Yes; but they're very complacent laws.

But Eugenie avows everything except the name of her accomplice. Explanations occur, now that Guillaume Grandet is saved; Charles comes out of prison and marries Eugenie, whose dowry is the money that has served so good a purpose. With Bouffe in the chief role, the Miser's Daughter, as the piece was called, had a great popularity, and was several times revived.