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Of course he was off upstairs by the time she got in; but I'm afraid he had a shaking, for I saw him glowering fiercely as he came out later with a basket, going some 'confounded errand. Occasionally his father brings him out and whips him for some extra bad offence, during which performance he howls dismally; but when he is left sitting despondently and miraculously on an old chair without any seat, he soon cheers up, boos at a strange cat, whistles to his dog, who is just like him, or falls back on that standing cure for all the ills that boys are heir to, and whittles vigorously.

As the whistle sounded for the end of the period, boos and catcalls from the grandstand filled the air. Tom's face was an angry red as he faced Roger again on the side lines during the rest period. "You hear that, Roger?" he growled, nodding his head toward the stands. "That's what they think of your smart playing!" "What do I care?" replied the blond cadet arrogantly.

When this act was accomplished, Boos threw himself heavily into his chair, and addressing the master of the ceremonies, said with a humorous twinkle in his eye: "Did the courier not leave the other boot too? I might possibly win a second bet, and thus acquire the village of Roxheim into the bargain." The count looked much abashed, but the noble guests only laughed heartily at the joke.

Even the chaplain of the castle, who attributed his effective intoning of high-mass to the virtues of the Rhenish wine which he indulged in so freely, looked longingly at the boot, but had not the courage to attempt such a rash act. Suddenly a knight, Boos of Waldeck by name rose. He was a muscular man with the strength of a bear.

"Thank you, father. We'll do all right if we have to take to the boats. And you must try and cheer up the ladies. Now I must leave you all for awhile. We will stick to the pumps for another hour or two." "Captain," said Sarah de Boos, a tall, finely built young woman of twenty, "let my sister and myself and our servant help the men at the pump. Do, please.

Then he plucked the American captain by the sleeve and went below, and Sukie de Boos laughed loudly when in another minute they heard the pop of a bottle of soda water. She ran to the skylight and bent down. "You're a pair of exceedingly rude men. You might think of Father Roget even if you don't think of us poor women. Mr. Otway, come here, you horrid, dirty-faced, ragged creature!

Thus stout Boos of Waldeck became lord of the village of Hüffelsheim. The Foundation of Castle Sponheim The following legend tells us about the origin of Castle Sponheim in the valley of the Nahe. Once a Knight of Ravensberg was eagerly wooing the beautiful young Countess of Heimburg, but there was a serious obstacle in his path to success.

As he spoke to the now awakened old priest, the two De Boos girls, Mrs. Lacy and Miss Weidermann, all came out of their cabins, and Robertson shook hands with them, and lifting Sukie de Boos up between his two rough hands as if she were a little girl, he kissed her, and then made a grab at Sarah, who dodged behind Mrs. Lacy. "Now, father, don't you attempt to come on deck. Mrs.

She was popular red-cheeked, oversized, hard-drinking, and tolerant. Another woman brought paper plates, plastic utensils, and a carving set. "Go for it," Sandy said. "Where's the broccoli? " someone called. There was a chorus of boos. Sandy and her helper made another trip to the kitchen, returning with garlic bread and an oversized bowl of salad. The group took turns hacking at the turkey.

"Don't be so generous," sneered Roger. "I'm warning you, Roger" Astro glared at the arrogant cadet "if you don't straighten out and fly right " McKenny's whistle from the far side lines suddenly sounded, interrupting the big cadet, and the three boys trooped back out on the field again. Again the air was filled with boos and shouts of derision and Tom's face flushed with shame.