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Updated: August 9, 2024

But with those thick cotton pads on his eyes and then covered with that big, thick, folded silk handkerchief it's really a muffle-there's no chance for his faking." "And if he could see if his eyes were wide open how would he know where to go?" demanded Aunt Abby. "That blindfolding is only so he can't see Mr. Mortimer's face, if he turns round, and judge from its expression.

I want you to smooth the way toward this end if you can, before Mrs. Wragge and I come to you. Pray throw away no chance of observing Mrs. Lecount, in particular, very carefully. Whatever help you can give me at the outset in blindfolding that woman's sharp eyes will be the most precious help I have ever received at your hands.

Then, just as swiftly, he bound his scarf tight round Wildfire's head, blindfolding him. "All so easy!" exclaimed Slone, under his breath. "Lord! who would believe it! ... Is it a dream?" He rose and let the stallion have a free head. "Wildfire, I got a rope on you an' a hackamore an' a blinder," said Slone.

A man on horseback, having no other method of escape, can, by blindfolding his horse and wrapping his own face in a poncho, ride fearless through the wall of fire without damage to horse or rider.

And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, That before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter going without, wept bitterly. And the men who held Jesus insulted him, beating him with rods; and blindfolding him, smote him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is he that struck thee? And many other things, blaspheming, spake they against him.

"Some prominent beaks could never be blindfolded, but some small, flat noses might be. However, this refers to ordinary blindfolding with an ordinary handkerchief. When it comes to putting fat cotton pads in one's eye sockets, before the thick bandage is added, it necessitates previous preparation.

In the dim light of a single lamp, it all looked like a gigantic polypus with its limbs extended lazily, and its fingers holding semi-circular claws: for of the grindstones less than half is visible. Billy was a timid creature, and this blindfolding business rather scared him: he had almost to be dragged within reach of these gaunt antennae.

"Well, I see you are here," he said, drawing a chair to the table. "And waiting," a deep and rich but melancholy voice replied. "Can't we have a couple of candles? These shadows seem to crawl up my legs and take me by the throat. I feel as if some one were blindfolding and gagging me," said David, looking uneasily about.

They insisted then on blindfolding Maria and leading her up to the table to see what she would get; and, while they were putting on the bandage, Maria laughed and laughed again till the tip of her nose nearly met the tip of her chin. They led her up to the table amid laughing and joking and she put her hand out in the air as she was told to do.

"Bring out your old dog." When I came back from roping and blindfolding the twisted dynamite I was engaged in "gentling," I found that Brower was saddling the mournful creature with my saddle. My expostulation found him very snappy and very arbitrary. His opium-irritated nerves were beginning to react. I realized that he was not far short of explosive obstinacy.

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