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"Pass on, I pray you. I worshipped no false god; I took not God's name in vain no more than other folks; I always heard mass of a Sunday and festival day; I never murdered nor stole; and as to telling false witness, beshrew me if it were false witness to tell Avena Foljambe she is a born fool, the which I have done many a time in the day. Come now, let me off gently, Father.

"What is it, Black Bart?" "Nothing, except I was just going to say that I enjoy it very much, this being a pirate." "So do I," said he. "An' let any pursue us at their peril!" "'F I only had any chain shot in the locker," said he, "beshrew me, but I would pay him well for this! He's got my Auntie Helen's auntie scared silly." "And how about your Auntie Helena herself?" I asked of him.

Trust one of these herds, and a sheep is tainted whenever he wants a good supper. Beshrew me but that stout fellow looks lusty and hearty enough, as if he lived well. 'They were good and kind, and treated me well, said Anne. 'I should be dead if they had not succoured me. 'The marvel is you are not dead with the stench of their hovel, and the foulness of their food.

"Beshrew you," exclaimed Jacob, "what is all this to you," and roughly seizing Tamar by the arm, he drew her out of the room, saying, "you have all you want, go down to your father, and let us see you no more."

"But better she said it than thought it. So now 't won't rankle in her. And part with her for me, that shall ye not. Beshrew the wench, she wots she is a good servant, and takes advantage. We poor wretches which keep house must still pay 'em tax for value. I had a good servant once, when I was a young woman. Eh dear, how she did grind me down into the dust.

"Beshrew me, I like not thy brag," cried the other angrily. "Know, Master Stafford, that I was not punished. So soon as the keepers found who and what I was they made apology for treating me in such an unmannerly fashion, and brought me the horns of the deer as trophy of my skill. They now repose in mine own abode."

The Captain drew himself back, and extricated himself from the Jew's grasp, not without some marks of contempt. "Nay, beshrew thee, man, up with thee! I am English born, and love no such Eastern prostrations Kneel to God, and not to a poor sinner, like me."

'So did they last century, remarked Bisset, elevating his shoulders; 'and yet Saladin killed a caliph with his mace; and as for the Moguls, you know they are almost Christians, and Father Rubruquis is now in Tartary, completing their conversion. Beshrew me, sir Templar, if I deem not this caliph foolhardy to run the risk of being attacked, without fighting men to defend him.

"Yet beshrew me, but I think that in these times a sudden blow and hasty fate the only judgment for a traitor. The miscreant were too richly honored, that by thy royal hand he fell." "My son, my son, I pray thee, peace," urged the abbot, in accents of calm, yet grave authority. "As minister of heaven, I may not list such words.

It pealed on, hoarse and even cracked, but persistently melodious, disregarding the contending clamours of its neighbours, just as some old baritone of the opera, reduced and broken down, will exhibit his 'phrasing' all that is left to him. Quaint old burgher city, indeed, with the true flavour, though beshrew them for meddling with the fortifications!