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Dreux's cheeks, while Blake marveled at the strange mixture of qualities in this withered little beau. Bernie's words left him very uncomfortable, however, and the hours that followed did not lessen the feeling.

Tell me all about her. This is the wickedest thing I ever heard of and I'm perfectly delighted." It was Bernie's turn to look shocked. He arose indignantly. "Myra Nell! You paralyze me. Have you no moral " "Rats!" interrupted Miss Warren, inelegantly. "I've let you preach to me in the past, but never again. We've the same blood in us, Bunnie.

I was sorry for Babylon, so I had Chloe put a poultice on his back where I jabbed him. Now I'd like to know if that isn't Bernie's fault. He should have allowed me to ride and then I wouldn't have wanted to. Poor boy! he was the one to suffer after all. He'd planned to take a trip somewhere, but of course he couldn't do that and pay for a trained nurse, too."

Madame la Branche was a distant cousin on Bernie's side so distant, in fact, that no one except herself had ever troubled to trace the precise relationship; but she employed a cook whose skill was celebrated.

"Bernie's in the library feasting on Spanish masters, so if you don't mind we'll sit out here," she told him. "I'll be delighted," he assured her. "In that way I may be seen and so excite the jealousy of certain fellows who have been monopolizing you lately." "A little jealousy is a good thing, so I'll help you. But they don't have it in them. They're as calm and placid as bayou water."

I couldn't ask Bernie to buy me one, since he refused to let me ride, so I made a skirt out of our grand-piano cover it was miles long, and a darling shade of green. When it came to a hat I was stumped until I thought of Bernie's silk one. No mother ever loved a child as he loved that hat, you know. I twisted his evening scarf around it, and the effect was really stunning it floated beautifully.

They had merely served to increase the unhappy number which vainly swarmed about her, and to make Bernie himself the target of her satire. Popularity had not spoiled the girl, however; her attitude toward marriage was very sensible beneath the surface, and Bernie's anxious efforts at matchmaking, instead of relieving their financial distress, merely served to keep him in the antique business.

The little man walked on tiptoe and wore an expression of such gloomy sympathy that Blake said: "Please don't look so blamed pious; it makes me hurt all over." Bernie's features lightened faintly; he smiled in a manner bordering upon the natural. "They wouldn't let me see you before. Lord! How you have frightened us!" "My nurse won't let me talk."

"Yes, but it was a perfectly odious sprain. Nobody knows how I suffered. And to think it was all Bernie's fault!" "How so? You fell off a horse." "I did not," indignantly declared Miss Warren. "I was thrown, hurled, flung, violently projected, and then I was frightfully trampled by a snorting steed."

Myra Nell's allusion to her brother's financial condition reminded Blake of the subject which had been uppermost in his mind all evening, and he decided to broach it now. Subsequent to his last talk with Dreux he had thought a good deal about that proffered loan and had come to regard Bernie's refusal as unwarranted.