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Now is victory declared for Menelaos dear to Ares; give ye back Helen of Argos and the possessions with her, and pay ye the recompense such as is seemly, that it may live even among men that shall be hereafter." So said Atreides, and all the Achaians gave assent. How Pandaros wounded Menelaos by treachery; and Agamemnon exhorted his chief captains to battle.

Then had it voice of approval from all the array of Achaians Duly to honour the priest and accept fair gifts of redemption; Only displeas'd in his mind was the King Agamemnon Atreides: Stern the rejection from him, and ungentle his word at the parting: "Let me not see thee again, old man, at the station of galleys, Lingering wilfully now, nor returning among us hereafter, Lest neither sceptre of gold nor the wreath of the God may avail thee.

By their own folly they force the hand of fate. See, now, how Aigisthos forced it in taking the wedded wife of Atreides and slaying her lord when he returned, yet he had sheer destruction before his eyes, for we ourselves had forewarned him not to slay the king nor wed his wife, or vengeance would come by Atreides' son Orestes, whene'er he should grow to manhood and long for his home.

He, having spoke, sat down: and anon, in the midst of the princes, Rose the heroic Atreides, the wide-sway'd lord, Agamemnon: Troubled in visage he rose, for the heart with the blackness of anger Swell'd in the breast of the King, and his eyes had the blaze of the firebrand.

But overtake Atreides' horses with all haste, and be not outstripped by them, lest Aithe that is but a mare pour scorn on you. Why are ye outstripped, brave steeds? Thus will I tell you, and verily it shall be brought to pass ye will find no tendance with Nestor shepherd of hosts, but straightway he will slay you with the edge of the sword if through heedlessness we win but the worse prize.

Sing, goddess, the wrath of Achilles Peleus' son, the ruinous wrath that brought on the Achaians woes innumerable, and hurled down into Hades many strong souls of heroes, and gave their bodies to be a prey to dogs and all winged fowls; and so the counsel of Zeus wrought out its accomplishment from the day when first strife parted Atreides king of men and noble Achilles.

But the son of glorious Kapaneus answered him: "Atreides, utter not falsehood, seeing thou knowest how to speak truly. We avow ourselves to be better men by far than our fathers were: we did take the seat of Thebes the seven gated, though we led a scantier host against a stronger wall, because we followed the omens of the gods and the salvation of Zeus; but they perished by their own iniquities.

Even as a bull standeth out far foremost amid the herd, for his is pre-eminent amid the pasturing kine, even such did Zeus make Atreides on that day, pre-eminent among many and chief amid heroes.

Moreover I will say this thing to thee and lay thou it to thine heart; trouble not my soul by weeping and lamentation, to do the pleasure of warrior Atreides; neither beseemeth it thee to cherish him, lest thou be hated of me that cherish thee. It were good that thou with me shouldest vex him that vexeth me. Be thou king even as I, and share my sway by halves, but these shall bear my message.

Fear on Achilleus fell, and he turn'd to her, instantly knowing Pallas Athena, for awful the eyes of the goddess apparent And he address'd her, and these were the air-wing'd words that he utter'd. "Why hast thou come, O child of the Ægis-bearing Kronion? Is it to see me contemn'd by the insolent pride of Atreides?