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Updated: August 3, 2024

She didn't think herself at all fit company for people who lived in grand houses, and had their own demesnes, and gardens, and the rest of it; she had always lived where money was to be made, and she didn't see the sense of going, in her old age, to a place where the only work would be how to spend it. Some folks would find it was a dail asier to scatther it than it wor to put it together.

"Well, then, Peter Gallagher's spur that I have an is a left-foot spur, for it's an my left foot." "You are a bright pair," said the priest, somewhat nettled at their neglect of him "you are a bright pair, and deeply learned in spurs. Can't you ride asier?" "Never heed him," said the father, in a whisper; "do you, give the mare the right spur, an' I'll give her the left. Push an! that's it."

"Hush, Biddy don't be saying such things," said the widow, who had a great idea of carrying on the war on her own premises, but who felt seriously afraid of Barry now that she was in his house, "don't be saying such things, to frighthen her. But you'll be asier there than here," she continued, to Anty; "and there's nothin like having things asy.

There's Mac's an' O's in ivry capital iv Europe atin' off silver plates whin their relations is staggerin' under th' creels iv turf in th' Connaught bogs. "Wirra, 'tis hard. Ye'd sa-ay off hand, 'Why don't they do as much for their own counthry? Light-spoken are thim that suggests th' like iv that. 'Tis asier said than done.

''Tis asier said than done, remarked Andy, looking for a niche between the logs to put his foot in. 'I hope this isn't the way we'll always have to be clamberin' into our house; but sorra other way do I see, barrin' the hole's to be a passage ondherground. 'You goose! the hole is to be a cellar, wherein to keep potatoes and pork, said his master, overhearing the tale of his soliloquy.

Surely that 'ud be dacenter nor to be slungein' about, invintin' truth and lies for other people, whin they're at their work, to make thim laugh, an you doin' nothin' but standin' over thim, wid your hands down to the bottom o' your pockets? Do, Pether, thry it, avick, an' you'll see it 'ill prosper wid us, plase God? "Faix I'm ladin' an asier life, Ellish."

'I had it right befure I come up, he says, 'but I missed me holt whin th' crowd come. Me heart's broke, he says. 'Th' cornet's not ye'er insthrument, says Dorsey. 'Ye shud thry to play th' base dhrum. It's asier." "Is that all that's going on?" asked Mr. McKenna. "That an' th' death iv wan iv Hinnissy's goats, Marguerite. No, no, not that wan. That's Odalia. Th' wan with th' brown spots.

At very nearly the same time, and at the point in the rebel front assailed by Meagher's brigade, another scene was presented, perhaps unexampled in the history of war. The evening being a hot one, most of the Irish boys had prepared themselves for the charge by throwing off knapsacks, coats, and even hats, so as to "fight asier."

"As God is above me this night I find it asier to lose Connor than to forgive the man that destroyed him; but this is a bad state of heart, that I trust my Saviour will give me grace to overcome; an' I know He will if I ax it as I ought; at all events, I won't lay my side on a bed this night antil I pray to God to forgive Bartle Flanagan an' to turn his heart."

"And that depinds upon what you'll do for your daughter," replied the sagacious old miser. "At this rate we're not likely to agree." "Nothin's asier; you have only to spake out; besides it's your business, bein' the colleen's father." "Try him, and name something fair," whispered John. "If I give her a farm of thirty acres of good land, stocked and all, what will you do for Connor?"

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