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More than once the sight of our pistols caused us to be stopped by the CARABINEROS. On one occasion these road-guards disputed the wording of the VISE. They protested that 'armas' meant 'escopetas, not pistols, which were forbidden. Cayley indignantly retorted, 'Nothing is forbidden to Englishmen.

Hércules se rendirá siempre a Venus por ser Venus, aunque Venus sea sufragista. La educación política dará a la mujer nuevas armas para atraerse el respeto y la admiración del hombre.

"This morning while we were in the office of the jeje de armas," she said, "I saw a poor woman with a baby she was scarcely more than a child herself whose husband is in prison. She told me how she had come all the way from the country and is living with friends, just to be near him.

The royal buildings are very beautiful and sightly, and contain many rooms. They have many windows opening toward the sea and the Plaza de armas. They are all built of stone and have two courts, with upper and lower galleries raised on stout pillars. The governor and president lives inside with his family.

Once back across the river, however, she discovered that there were obstacles to a prompt adjustment of her claim. The red tape of her own government was as nothing to that of Mexico. There were a thousand formalities, a myriad of maddening details to be observed, and they called for the services of an advocate, a notary, a jefe politico, a jefe de armas officials without end.

The state and government buildings, the mint with its low, square tower, and a few other edifices are large and handsome structures. In the tower of the mint the patriot Hidalgo was confined, with three of his comrades, previous to their execution. They were shot here July 31, 1811. In the Plaza de Armas there stands a fine monument to the memory of Hidalgo.

El menor, nuestro D. Manuel, habiendo recogido el primero los bienes patrimoniales y abrazado el segundo la carrera de las armas, fué destinado a la Iglesia y emprendió los estudios necesarios.

There is one fact relating to this site in the Plaza de Armas fully authenticated, and which is not without interest. An enormous old ceiba tree originally stood here, beneath whose branches mass was sometimes performed.

It was a dark, cloudy night in Havana, some three or four months subsequent to the offering of the rewards to which we have referred. Two sentinels were pacing back and forth before the main entrance of the Governor's palace which forms one side of the area inclosing the Plaza de Armas. The military band had performed as usual that evening in the Plaza and had retired.

This parlor arrangement is so nearly universal as to be absolutely ludicrous. Sabbath Scenes in Havana. Thimble-Riggers and Mountebanks. City Squares and their Ornamentation. The Cathedral. Tomb of Columbus. Plaza de Armas. Out-Door Concerts. Habitués of Paseo de Isabella. Superbly Appointed Cafés. Gambling. Lottery Tickets. Fast Life. Masquerade Balls. Carnival Days. The Famous Tacon Theatre.