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On top of the style is a knob the stigma. Ovary, style, and stigma together make the pistil. Surrounding the pistil are six stamens, each having a slender stem or filament and terminating in a little box; this box is called the anther and is filled with flower-dust or pollen. Around these is a circle of bright petals.

For in general it would seem, that food of a more stimulating kind, the honey of vegetables instead of their leaves, was necessary for the purpose of the seminal reproduction of these animals, exactly similar to what happens in vegetables; in these the juices of the earth are sufficient for their purpose of reproduction by buds or bulbs; in which the new plant seems to be formed by irritative motions, like the growth of their other parts, as their leaves or roots; but for the purpose of seminal or amatorial reproduction, where sensation is required, a more stimulating food becomes necessary for the anther, and stigma; and this food is honey; as explained in Sect.

That'll end it, I reckon. "So the General went over to the square and talked for about an hour and a half, and then a Chicago man shouted to him to dry up. The General looked pained. "'Boys, said he, 'it's jest every bit as bad for me as it is for you. You'll have to hand up a chair, boys, because I'm never going to get shet of this goldarned speech any anther way." Mr.

Every stick had notches on one side for single pounds, on the other side for tens of pounds, and so higher; and the length and breadth also had its signification, and the colour too; for they were painted in some places with one colour, and in some places with anther; by which he knew what goods had been delivered for the money: and his way of casting up was very remarkable, for he knew nothing of figures; but he kept six spoons in a place on purpose, near his counter, which he took out when he had occasion to cast up any sum, and, laying the spoons in a row before him, he counted upon them thus: One, two, three, and another, one odd spoon, and t'other | | | | | |

He can hunt in all the flowers to find these little pollen-boxes, some of which, as in the goldenrods, are so small that he will have hard work to find them, even though they shed such clouds of pollen. He can notice the different kinds of stamens, see how some have long stems or filaments, others short ones, others again none at all. The filament is of no other use than to hold up the anther.

One anther will usually suffice for a seed bloom if pollen is abundant, but in some of the lighter-colored varieties it is scantily produced and several may be needed.

"I remembered you right away," he said reproachfully; "I saw you in front of the house this morning, and you ran away." "I didn't runaway," replied Cynthia, indignantly. "It looked like it, to me," said Bob.. "I suppose you were afraid I was going to give you anther whistle." Cynthia bit her lip, and then she laughed.

If we were able to examine the development of the pollen grain inside the anther from its very beginning, we should find the same thing true of it. The anther is a little box like the ovary, and the pollen grain grows from the inside of it, being at first a part of it and nourished by the same sap. When it became ripe it fell free into the anther cavity.

In the natural state of the expanded flower of the barberry, the stamens lie on the petals; under the concave summits of which the anthers shelter themselves, and in this situation remain perfectly rigid; but on touching the inside of the filament near its base with a fine bristle, or blunt needle, the stamen instantly bends upwards, and the anther, embracing the stigma, sheds its dust.

These are the conditions expressed; and how admirably they are fulfilled we may observe when we examine flower after flower of a group, and find their nectaries drained, their anther cells empty, and pollen upon all their stigmas.