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Leggett, ef you crowds me any wuss on dis-yeh buggy seat I I'll give you I'll give you a unfavo'able answeh! Mr. Leggett" she sniggered "you don't gimme no chaynce to think o' no objections even ef I had any! Will you please to keep yo' foot where yo' foot belong, seh? Mr. Leggett " "What is it, my sweet spirit o' nightshade?" "Mr.

"Teck it off, seh; I ain't aansw'ed you yit." The arm fell away, but his whispering lips came close. "Ain't I yo' Saampson, dearess o' the dear? Ain't you the Delijah o' my haht? Answeh me, my julepina, an' O, I'll reply you the secret o' my poweh aw any otheh question in the wide, wide worl'!" "Mr.

Some day we'll th'ow all his nassy medicine 'way, an' he come in an' say: 'Whaih's all my medicine? Den we answeh up sma't like: 'We done th'owed it out. We don' need no nassy medicine. Den he look 'roun' an' say: 'Who dat I see runnin' roun' de flo' hyeah, a-lookin' so fat? an' you up an' say: 'Hit's me, dat's who 'tis, mistah doctor man! Den he go out an' slam de do' behin' him.

"No, seh! no seh!" The maiden cackled till the forest answered back. "No, seh! two raace hawses less'n one when each one on'y jess abreas' o' the otheh!" "'Breas' o' aw pshaw! you tuck the words right out'n my mouth! I seed the answeh to it fum the fus; I made a wrong espunction the fus time on'y jess faw a joke! Now, you ans' my question, dearess." But the dearest had become grave and stately.

"Yass, I is. Dass my answeh come ag'in." "Is dat all de respondence my Delijah got faw her Saampson?" "Mr. Leggett, I ain't yo' Delijah! Thass fix! I ain't read the scripters in relations to dat young lady faw nuthin! Whetheh you my Saampson remain" the smile and tone grew bewitching "faw me to know an faw you to fine out." "Shell I come soon?" murmured Mr.

"That's a mighty nice letter, Johanna; who's going to answer it for you?" "Hit done answ'ed, seh. I ans' it same night it come. My fatheh writ de answeh; yass, seh, Unc' Leviticus." "Oh, yes. Well, you couldn't 'a' chosen better Oh! Miss Barb says here" Mr.

We lifted hands to clap and opened mouths to hurrah, but she raised a warning hand. "No, vait if you pleass. "Se secondt of sose two or sree sings it is sat he Monsieur Fontenette hass ask me " Our hearts rose slowly into our throats "Ze vun qvestion to vich sare can be only se vun answeh." At this we gulped our breath like schoolgirls and glowed.

But the more show we made of hopeful and pleading smiles, the more those dear eyes, so seldom wet, filled up with tears. "He sinks sare can two answehs be, and he like to heah which is se answeh I shall gif him, so he shall know if he shall come now aw if he shall come neveh. "O my sweet friend," to Mrs. Smith, down whose, face the salt drops stole unhindered "sare iss nossing faw you to cry."