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And she had told Amir Khan that there was a Patan coming with a message for him, and that when such an one asked for audience that he should say nothing, but see that he was admitted. Then one day it was about two weeks of waiting Captain Barlow came. He was rather surprised at the readiness with which he was admitted for an audience with the Chief.

The amir laughed and turned to his attendants, who laughed with him. "That is good," said he. "So let it be. It is an order!" So it came about, sahib, that the Germans and ourselves were ordered hotfoot out of the amir's country.

Travellers have said that it is the most beautiful spot in the world, but that is not true. The reason that travellers have said so, is that, after passing through a great desert, they have been charmed at seeing again running streams, and shady groves. But though Bokhara is a beautiful place, it is a wicked place. The king is one of the greatest tyrants in the world. He is called the Amir.

The ground was unpleasantly pitted and holed; the camels were weak with semi-starvation and the depressing south-wester; Lieutenant Amir put his dromedary to speed, resulting in a nose-flattening fall; and the Sayyid nearly followed suit. This is our second day of Khamsin; yet on the northern slope of the great Fiumara we meet the cool land-wind.

Elephants abound in Jarjar, the Erar forest, and in the Harirah and other valleys, where they resort during the hot season, in cold descending to the lower regions. The Gallas hunt the animals and receive for the spoil a little cloth: the Amir sends his ivory to Berberah, and sells it by means of a Wakil or agent.

On the twenty-second of Rajeb they arrived at Kabul , in which place Amir Fakr'oddin had built a fine mosque; near which was a temple of the idolaters, set round with images, and strange figures of various sizes, and at the doors there were two gigantic statues that seemed to fight. Mengli Timur Bayri, a handsome young man, was governor of this city.

'God exalt the Amir! answered she and recited this verse in reply: An if we saw a lover true, on whom the pangs of love Were sore, we would to him vouchsafe the favours that he sought. Quoth one to the other, "O my sister, how canst thou brook the harshness of thy lover's beard, as it falls on thy breast, when he kisses thee, and his moustaches rub thy cheek and lips?"

"Bootea is going to the camp of Amir Khan because Hunsa and the others have been told to kill the Sahib; and she will see that this is not accomplished." Barlow clasped the girl to his breast and smothered her face in kisses; "You are the sweetest little woman that ever lived," he said; "and I am a sinner, for this can only bring you misery." "Sahib it can't be, but it is not misery.

The Gilgit agency report, dated 28th April, 1890, speaks of this chief, who was the Khan of Jandul, but whose influence pervaded the whole of Bajaur as "the most important man between Chitral and Pashawar." To this powerful ruler, another of the sons of Aman, named Amir, had fled from the family massacre which followed his father's death.

"There was, Commander Sahib." "Where is it now?" "I know not. It was left with Amir Khan." There was a hush of three seconds. Then Kassim, whose eye had searched the room, saw the iron box. "This has a bearing upon matters," he declared; "this affair of a written message. Open the box and see if it is within," he commanded a Pindari.