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Seeing which, Amador pardoned the tricks of the night before, and bestowed his benediction upon every one before taking his departure from this converted place. Madame followed him with her eyes, and proclaimed him a splendid rider. Perrotte declared that for a monk he held himself more upright in the saddle than any of the men-at-arms. Mademoiselle de Cande sighed.

Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, Diego de Artieda, Andres de Ybarra, Guido de Lavezaris, Andres de Mirandaola, Amador de Arriaran, Pero Bernaldez. And they are accurate and true, witnesses of the correction and comparison with the originals thereof being Miguel Lopez, Francisco de Cocar, and Juan de Gamboa y Lezcano, soldiers in this camp in testimony whereof I have made my usual signature and rubric.

When she returned at luncheon she further astonished the young people by casually informing them they would have Spanish visitors to dinner namely, their neighbors, Donna Maria Amador and the Dona Felipa Peralta. Both faces were turned eagerly towards her; both said almost in the same breath, "But, Aunt Viney! you don't know them! However did you What does it all mean?"

But Amador become an abbot, became steady and austere, because he had conquered his evil desires by his labours, and recast his nature at the female forge, in which is that fire which is the most perfecting, persevering, persistent, perdurable, permanent, perennial, and permeating fire that there ever was in the world.

"Drink, father," said the sire. "You are, s'blood! the finest monk I have ever set eyes on." "Father Amador is a handsome monk," said Perrotte. "An indulgent monk," said the demoiselle. "A beneficent monk," said the little one. "A great monk," said the lady. "A monk who well deserves his name," said the clerk of the castle.

Perceiving this love for vengeance, Amador promised to aid her in it as long as her ire lasted, for he informed her that he knew in his quality of a monk, constrained to meditate long on the nature of things, an infinite number of modes, methods, and manners of practicing revenge.

Then Amador surprised them exceedingly by showing them the charters and the letters of credit, which would prevent the sire and his clerk delaying this agreement. When the Lady of Cande saw them about to put an end to this old case, she went to the linen chest to get some fine cloth to make a new gown for her dear Amador.

Perceiving this felony, she went into a furious rage and opened her mouth to resolve it into words which is the usual method of women and wished to kick up the devil's delight before handing the girl over to justice. But Amador told her that it would be more sensible to avenge herself first, and cry out afterwards. "Avenge me quickly, then, my father," said she, "that I may begin to cry out."

You can inherit from your wench. Ha, ha! The fine lady of Cande! Look at her!" "What is the matter?" said Amador, appearing suddenly upon the scene. "The matter is, my father," replied she, "that my wrongs cry aloud for vengeance. To begin with, I shall have this trollop thrown into the river, sewn up in a sack, for having diverted the seed of the House of Cande from its proper channel.

Perceiving this love for vengeance, Amador promised to aid her in it as long as her ire lasted, for he informed her that he knew in his quality of a monk, constrained to meditate long on the nature of things, an infinite number of modes, methods, and manners of practicing revenge.