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Updated: August 17, 2024

Pilgrims visiting his grave from far and near will, with pride and gratitude, do honor to a name that adorned the annals of an Immortal Cause. May he eternally rest in peace. Haifa, Palestine, November 30, 1925. Letter of January 10, 1926. To the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada. Dearly-beloved fellow-workers in the Vineyard of God!

I am enclosing a preliminary list of Bahá’í centers throughout the world, exclusive of Persia, which, though inadequate, may still, I trust, be of some help to you. I wish to assure you, in conclusion, of my heartfelt appreciation of your devoted labors in the Divine Vineyard. Your brother and fellow-worker, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, May 12, 1925. Letter of June 3rd, 1925.

As prices in 1925 were approximately 40 per cent higher than in 1916, the cost of the same Government must also have increased. But the Government is not the same. It is more expensive to collect the much greater revenue necessary and to administer our great debt. We have given enlarged and improved services to agriculture and commerce. Above all, America has grown in population and wealth.

A special conference on the Chinese customs tariff provided for by the treaty between the nine powers relating to the Chinese customs tariff signed at Washington on February 6, 1922, was called by the Chinese Government to meet at Peking, on October 26, 1925.

We follow your present activities with no less admiration and affection, and feel certain that you are destined to play your part in securing the ultimate and universal recognition of the Bahá’í Faith. Awaiting eagerly your individual and collective letters, and assuring you of my undiminished affection, I am your true brother and fellow-worker 3 December 1925

It seems quite certain that by 1925, at latest, all telephones will be in the hands of the government. The post-office savings-bank was established in 1861. Any sum from one shilling upward is accepted from any depositor until his deposits rise to £50 in any one year, or a total of £200 in all. It presents great attractions from its security and its convenience.

In the course of the melee, a white storekeeper and a white soldier were killed. Redding and another Negro were later executed for their part in the affair. In 1925 Noble Drew Ali came to Chicago and established the Moorish American Science Temple. Actually, he had previously attempted to organize other temples in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

You will recall the references made in my previous communications, dated November 6, 1925, October 29, 1926, and January 1, 1929, to the forcible seizure of Bahá’u’lláh’s sacred house by the Shí’ah of Baghdád, to the appeals which from almost every quarter of the globe have showered upon the authorities of ‘Iráq for its restitution, to the long and unsuccessful legal proceedings to which the representatives of the Faith in that land have resorted, and lastly to the petition which they have addressed to the League’s Permanent Mandates Commission setting forth the history of the case and appealing for the intervention of the Council in their behalf.

Awaiting eagerly the glad-tidings of the progress of your work, and assuring you of my brotherly love, I am your true brother 27 May 1925 The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful throughout Germany. My dearly-beloved friends: Our well-beloved brother and fellow-worker Dr. Esslemont acting on medical advice is proceeding to the Black Forest for treatment and recuperation.

I assure you of my deepest interest in this fresh field of Bahá’í enterprise, and of my great desire to promote in such parts of the Bahá’í world as present circumstances permit the study of an international language which is of such an obvious and practical utility to our steadily advancing Cause. May ‘Abdu’l-Bahá bless richly your efforts, Your brother and fellow-worker 5 November 1925

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